Plant Water Profiler Tool—Excel, Version 1.0 (PWPEx v1.0)

PWPEx Tool v1.0 of Plant Water Profiler Tool in Excel format. It was developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). PWPEx Tool is a comprehensive tool designed for use by manufacturing plants falling under NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) Codes 31, 32, and 33 to help their sustainability teams: 

  • Understand the procurement, use, and disposal of water in their plants;
  • Be cognizant about the “true cost” of water, including the costs associated with water procurement, treatment, and consumption and wastewater disposal; and
  • Identify opportunities for reducing water use and achieve associated cost savings. 

Features and Capabilities:
Water-consuming systems in industrial manufacturing plants include processes, cooling and condensing systems for process, power generation, and air conditioning, steam boilers for power generation and facility needs, kitchen and restrooms, and landscaping and irrigation, and fire sprinkler systems. PWPEx Tool helps break down the total plant water intake, wastewater disposal, and “true cost “of water by individual systems in the plant. Thus, it helps management identify systems that contribute the most toward source water intake versus “true cost” and enables efforts to prioritize water efficiency measures. Results can also be used to establish a baseline and track water use during subsequent years. 

PWPEx Tool evaluates “water balance” by individual systems, accounting for the source water intake, recirculated water, consumptive water use, and wastewater disposal. This helps management estimate water losses as well as potential water and “true cost” savings that can be achieved from increasing water recirculation and eliminating water losses. 

PWPEx Tool assesses the water efficiency status of a plant and its individual systems and provides a tailored list of water efficiency measures and opportunities specific to the plant. Thus, PWP Tool is a “first step” that industrial manufacturing plants can follow to minimize their water use and achieve cost savings. 

PWPEx Tool was conceived and developed by researchers at ORNL with funding from the US Department of Energy’s Advanced Manufacturing Office. Several technical experts from the US manufacturing industry contributed to the tool’s development by evaluating initial versions. 

Development Team:

Mini Malhotra, Sachin Nimbalkar, Kristina Armstrong, Asha Shibu
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Industry Partners:

Saint-Gobain, Ford Motors, KYB, ArcelorMittal, ALCOA, Arconic

Advising and Outreach:

Sujit Das, Tom Wenning, Daryl Cox, Kiran Thirumaran, Wei Guo
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Joe Cresko, Andre Defontaine, and Sandy Glatt
US Department of Energy

Prakash Rao
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Advanced Manufacturing Office, US Department of Energy


Instructions for Users: 
PWPEx Tool is a downloadable, stand-alone tool provided in Excel format. It does not support import and export functionalities. Users should download the tool, save it as a master file, and create a new file each time they use the tool in their plants. After completing the data input, results can be printed or saved as a PDF file.

The tool files include:
PWPEx v1.0 Tool 12-12-2019 (Blank).xlsm
PWPEx v1.0 Tool 12-12-2019 (With Sample Data).xlsm
PWPEx v1.0 Tool 12-12-2019 (With Sample Data).pdf
PWPEx Algorithm v0.1_05-31-2018.docx (coming soon)

If you have any tool specific comments or questions, please contact [email protected].