DOE and the National Association of Manufacturers Announce Sustainability Partnership

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) recently announced the Sustainability in...

Advanced Manufacturing & Industrial Decarbonization

April 12, 2018
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DOE and the National Association of Manufacturers Announce Sustainability Partnership

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) recently announced the Sustainability in Manufacturing partnership. The NAM and DOE, through its Better Plantsprogram, will work together to help U.S. manufacturers drive energy productivity improvements and accelerate adoption of energy efficient technologies.

The Sustainability in Manufacturing partnership will also provide opportunities to engage directly with manufacturers, identify opportunities for energy efficiency improvements, and serve as a platform to recognize companies and leaders that have led the way in the application of innovative strategies.

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Idaho National Laboratory Emerges with New Low-temp Hydrocarbon Cracking Processes

A team of Idaho National Laboratory (INL) researchers has now pioneered an electrochemical process that could eliminate the need for high-energy steam cracking. They’ve hit upon a process for creating synthetic fuels and plastics that uses 65 percent less energy and produces up to 98 percent less carbon dioxide. The INL research, being conducted in conjunction with Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Wyoming, was selected under an Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Advanced Manufacturing Office funding opportunity focused on advanced materials, advanced processes, and modeling and analysis tools for materials and manufacturing.

Learn more about several factors that drive the project and INL’s future efforts to convert methane into ethylene.

REPORT: Workshop on Clean Water Processing Technology Research and Development - Now Available

Last year, AMO hosted a workshop on Clean Water Processing Technology Research and Development in Cleveland, Ohio. This workshop focused on industrial, agricultural, and human needs, challenges, and future paths to solve and satisfy this nation’s issues with water manufacturing, use, and production.

The workshop summary report and presentations are now available to view and download.

Cyclotron Road’s Etosha Cave Recognized as one of Vanity Fair’s 26 Women of Color Diversifying Entrepreneurship

Etosha Cave, alumna of AMO’s Cyclotron Road program and founder of Opus 12, was recognized as one of the “26 Women of Color Diversifying Entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley, Media, and Beyond,” by Vanity Fair. Each of the 26 African American women honored has raised $1 million or more in outside capital (before November 15, 2017, according to start-up accelerator DigitalUndivided), breaking barriers, and shattering glass ceilings along the way.

Learn more about the scientific and societal impact that Etosha is making.

AMO’s PowerAmerica Graduate Assistant Receives Prestigious Award

PowerAmerica Institute’s Education and Workforce Development Program graduate assistant, Megan Morin, received the Donald Maley Spirit of Excellence Outstanding Graduate Student Citation for her work with PowerAmerica and the FREEDM Systems Center at N.C. State. Additionally, she is one of only six people nationally to be accepted into next year’s International Technology and Engineering Educators Association’s 21st Century Leadership Academy.

Read more about Megan’s accomplishments with the help of PowerAmerica.

  • Advanced Manufacturing Processes
  • American Manufacturing
  • Circular Economy and Sustainable Manufacturing
  • Decarbonization
  • Industrial Decarbonization Technologies