ArcelorMittal’s Cleveland Steel Mill Achieves 50001 Ready Status

ArcelorMittal USA, a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Better Plants partner, attained the DOE’s 50001 Ready designation in March 2018...

Advanced Manufacturing & Industrial Decarbonization

June 22, 2018
minute read time
a photo of steel being smelted on an industrial scale.

ArcelorMittal USA, a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Better Plants partner, attained the DOE’s 50001 Ready designation in March 2018 for the energy management system at its large steel mill in Cleveland, Ohio. This achievement is helping the plant meet long-term corporate energy goals established in partnership with the Better Plants program and sustain its energy savings over time. It took the plant’s energy team only four months to earn the 50001 Ready designation which significantly raised awareness of plant-wide opportunities for energy savings.

“ArcelorMittal Cleveland has focused on improved productivity by incorporating 50001 Ready into its corporate culture,” said Rob Ivester, Director at DOE’s Advanced Manufacturing Office. “The commitment of executive management and plant staff led to a robust energy management system that will deliver sustained energy and cost benefits for years to come.”

ArcelorMittal USA is one of the largest steel producers in the world, employing more than 18,000 workers. It produces 3.8 million tons of steel each year to serve critical areas of the U.S. economy—from automotive manufacturing to construction. Energy is critical to steel production and is the second biggest cost for ArcelorMittal USA behind raw materials. As such, the responsible use of energy is a key business tenet of the company, one that is embedded in its sustainability framework. ArcelorMittal USA was the first steel company to join DOE’s Better Plants program with 17 of its U.S. plants.

Learn more about ArcelorMittal’s self-attestation to 50001 Ready and the resulting benefits. 

The U.S. Department of Energy's 50001 Ready program recognizes facilities and organizations that practice ISO 50001-based energy management. The program does not require any external audits or certifications and is a self-paced, no-cost way for organizations to build a culture of structured energy improvement leading to deeper, sustained savings. Find out more about continuous energy improvement and 50001 Ready >>

  • Industrial Decarbonization Technologies
  • Advanced Manufacturing Processes
  • Energy Efficiency
  • American Manufacturing
  • Circular Economy and Sustainable Manufacturing