Advanced Manufacturing Office Update, March 2015

March 2015 Update from the Advanced Manufacturing Office...

Advanced Manufacturing & Industrial Decarbonization

March 30, 2015
minute read time

In This Issue

Featured Articles
AMO and Industry News

Welcome Message

Happy spring! AMO is proud to highlight some of our successes and achievements in advancing energy efficiency with our industry stakeholders. We are excited that AMO is pursuing a number of R&D initiatives that seek to fill the innovation pipeline of U.S. industry:

  • Next-Generation Electric Machines: Megawatt Class Motors are the focus of a new funding opportunity recently announced by AMO. We want to help accelerate the deployment and adoption of high-speed industrial motors and drives using advanced power electronics (such as wide bandgap semiconductors).
  • What ideas do you have to revolutionize the field of advanced manufacturing? The Office is formulating plans for an Advanced Manufacturing Incubator activity. We want to encourage the business community to propose fundamental applied R&D projects that could lead to significant energy, environmental, and economic gains. In particular, the Incubator could provide incentives for small and medium-sized manufacturers to pursue emerging high-risk, high-impact technologies. Stay tuned.
  • AMO hosted an Industry Day workshop on Feb. 25 to explain the proposed Clean Energy Manufacturing Innovation Institute on Smart Manufacturing. A Notice of Intent about this funding opportunity was issued in December. Smart Manufacturing can integrate manufacturing intelligence in real time across an entire production operation, while minimizing energy, material use, and costs. This area has been identified by private-sector and university leaders as one of the highest-priority areas in need of federal investment. A funding opportunity will likely be forthcoming soon.
  • Nine R&D projects have been successfully negotiated and awarded, and the kick-off meetings were held, launching a new set of advanced manufacturing projects. These projects will foster development of innovative advanced manufacturing process and materials technologies and transition scientific knowledge into clean energy manufacturing capabilities.

Advanced manufacturing is our name! Thanks for reading.

Best regards,

Isaac Chan – R&D Program Manager, Advanced Manufacturing Office

Featured Articles

Better Plants Welcomes New Partners from Diverse Sectors

Seven organizations from diverse industries recently joined the Better Plants Program and Challenge, signaling their commitment to energy management and improved energy performance. Joining Better Plants establishes the new Partners as leaders in industrial energy efficiency with a specific pledge to reduce energy intensity by 25% over 10 years. The Better Plants Challenge is a higher-level leadership club of organizations that agree to openly share their energy performance data and key energy-saving best practices.

Three of the new Partners—BD, Lennox International, and Lineage Logistics—are manufacturers. Four Partners—Encina Wastewater Authority, the Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, and Victor Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority—join Better Plants as part of a programmatic expansion to engage water and wastewater treatment authorities.

New Better Plants Challenge Partners

Lennox International manufactures some of the most energy-efficient products of any company serving the residential commercial and food service sectors. The company joins the Better Plants Challenge after meeting its goal as a Program Partner and improving its energy intensity by 27% since 2009. Lennox has set a new goal to improve its energy efficiency by an additional 25% over 10 years from a 2014 baseline across all its manufacturing plants and owned and leased distribution centers.

The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) is the largest municipal water and power utility in the United States. The Department employs 8,800 personnel and provides clean water to 3.8 million residents and businesses in the City of Los Angeles. LADWP's Water System has committed to improving the energy efficiency of its 38 water treatment plants and 100 pumping stations by 25% over 10 years.

Victor Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority (VVWRA) treats almost 13 million gallons of wastewater daily for several communities in California’s Mojave Desert. The VVWRA facility cleans and purifies wastewater and returns it to the Mojave River, directing some of it for use in a cooling tower at a nearby power plant. The solid remnants are inserted into digesters and the resulting methane gas is used to power the VVWRA facility. VVWRA’s goal is to produce 100% of its power from biogas by early 2015.

New Better Plants Partners

BD is a medical technology company that offers medical supplies and services, devices, laboratory equipment, and diagnostic technologies to healthcare institutions, life science researchers, clinical laboratories, industry, and the general public. In 1906, the company built the first-ever facility in the United States to manufacture needles and syringes. BD has more than 60 facilities worldwide, including more than 30 facilities in the United States.

Encina Wastewater Authority provides wastewater treatment service to approximately 300,000 residents in northwestern San Diego County, California. A 2009 infrastructure upgrade enables the facility’s four cogeneration engines to produce 3 MW of electricity, as well as thermal energy used to heat digesters.

Lineage Logistics is a warehousing and logistics company that delivers customized and dependable cold chain solutions to leading food, retail, agricultural, and distribution companies through a world-class facility network and diverse value-added services. With 111 facilities across 21 states, Lineage has the second-largest temperature-controlled warehousing network in the world.

The Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation employs 2,800 personnel to collect, clean, and recycle solid and liquid waste generated by residential, commercial, and industrial users in the City of Los Angeles and the surrounding communities. The Bureau has four plants that together produce close to 80 million gallons of reclaimed water a day.

Better Plants is a national initiative that works with industry to set and meet ambitious energy-saving targets. For more information on the program, contact Andre de Fontaine.

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Better Plants Challenge Partners Share Energy-Saving Solutions

As part of the Challenge, Partners share their innovative energy efficiency solutions with the public online. This encourages other organizations to emulate or replicate these successful energy-saving strategies. Recently, three Better Plants Challenge Partners—Ford Motor Company, General Mills, and 3M—worked with DOE to publish detailed “implementation models” and “showcase projects.” Implementation models document initiatives or mechanisms that Partners have implemented at the corporate level to overcome persistent barriers to energy efficiency, while showcase projects are near-term demonstrations of significant energy savings at an individual Partner’s facility.

New implementation models:

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    Go Green Dealership Program provides independently owned, franchised dealerships with facility energy assessments that identify opportunities to reduce energy consumption. The first group of Go Green assessments for 270 participating dealerships identified potential annual savings of $33,000 for the average dealership, equating to a 27% reduction in energy usage with a 3.5-year payback. Ford will work with DOE to provide joint recognition to dealerships that achieve significant energy savings as a result of their participation in the program.
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    Plant Energy Awards for Internal Recognition reward employees for energy-saving leadership at the plant level. The program motivates employees to identify and implement energy efficiency best practices, and has helped to reduce corporate-wide energy intensity by about 18%.

New showcase project:

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    General Mills
    , in its Cedar Rapids Heat Recovery project, installed a new heat recovery system at its 1-million-square-foot plant in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The new system includes three major upgrades that are collectively expected to save General Mills about $500,000 a year in energy costs, resulting in a payback period of slightly more than 3 years.

For more information, contact Andre de Fontaine.

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Harbec Receives 2014 Environmental Excellence Award from New York State

Harbec, Inc., a Better Plants Challenge Partner with Superior Energy Performance™ certification, received a 2014 Environmental Excellence Award from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC).

“Harbec Inc. is a custom injection molding and precision component part manufacturer that has transformed from an energy-dependent business losing ground competitively to a profitable innovator producing carbon-conscious components with verifiable carbon reductions,” NYSDEC’s press release observes. “They are one of only 14 world-wide manufacturers to achieve a platinum-level certification under Department of Energy's Superior Energy Performance (SEP) program. Harbec has reduced energy use and associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by more than 50 percent which translates into an avoidance of almost 2,200 tons of CO2 emissions.”

For more information, contact Andre de Fontaine.

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AMO and Industry News

Heat Exchange Materials Research Advances

An AMO-supported research project at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has achieved high thermal conductivity in polyethylene films. The goal of the project, which began in 2012, is to develop a continuous manufacturing process for fibers and sheets with twice the thermal conductivity of currently available fibers. Accomplishing this goal would provide the plastics industry with a lighter and less expensive alternative to metals in heat transfer applications. For example, using polyethylene sheets in automotive applications would greatly reduce vehicle weight and improve fuel economy because the material is 35% less dense than aluminum.

MIT researchers are more than halfway to the project’s ultimate thermal conductivity goal. In addition, the research team is in discussions with companies and students at the MIT Sloan School of Management to explore different applications for polyethylene films. For example, the team created a smartphone case using laminated polyethylene films, demonstrating the material’s potentially broad range of uses. For more information, contact Bob Gemmer.

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Accomplishments Highlighted at Critical Materials Institute Annual Peer Review

The annual Critical Materials Institute (CMI) Peer Review was held March 4–5 at the Ames National Laboratory on the campus of Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa. An international panel from academia, industry, and other government organizations reviewed each of CMI’s focus areas—diversifying and expanding production, reducing waste, and developing substitutes. Peer Review participants also toured laboratory facilities.

CMI will begin its third year of operation in July and will host its annual progress meeting at Idaho National Laboratory in August. This year, CMI began enrolling corporations and organizations into its Affiliates Program and drafted a new materials criticality assessment for clean energy. Other accomplishments include producing 20 invention disclosures, 4 patent applications, and 28 publications. For more information, contact Mark Shuart.

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Benefits of Combined Heat and Power Underscored in the News

AMO’s Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Deployment Program works with industry, end-users, policymakers, and other stakeholders to demystify CHP. Interest in CHP is growing as an efficient option to provide electricity, space conditioning (heating and cooling), and process thermal uses in commercial and industrial settings. Recently, the CHP Deployment Program has experienced a flurry of success in several arenas, in conjunction with its partners:

  • Recent CHP Reports Making the News
  • Did you know that industry has the potential to capture and convert to electricity more than 14GW of heat that is being wasted in factories, plants and buildings across the United States? DOE funded ICF International Inc., through Oak Ridge National Laboratory, to conduct the “Waste Heat to Power Market Assessment” report. Find out where these opportunities are and if you can turn your waste into power.
  • Did you know that a local jurisdiction, such a city, could potentially reduce primary energy consumption by 30%–50%? DOE and its colleagues at the International District Energy Association contributed to the recently released United Nations Environment Programme Report “District Energy in Cities.” The report indicates that district energy systems, which pipe steam and hot or cold water from a central location to buildings throughout a city, have the potential to reduce primary energy consumption by 30%–50% compared to buildings that use their own boilers or air conditioners. It also provides a critical set of information to cities as they develop action plans to meet sustainability, energy, and climate goals. It includes profiles of 45 local jurisdictions around the world, including St. Paul, Minnesota; Seattle, Washington; and Arlington County, Virginia, in the United States.
  • CHP in State Budgets
  • Over the last few months, DOE’s Mid-Atlantic CHP Technical Assistance Partnership has worked closely with Pennsylvania stakeholders to discuss CHP opportunities in the Commonwealth. Currently, the Pennsylvania General Assembly is considering the Governor’s state budget proposal for 2015–2016, which includes $30 million in competitive grants to businesses that employ new CHP technologies to produce heat and power on-site from gas, biomass, coal, waste heat, oil, or a combination of fuel sources. An important component of installed costs for CHP can be connecting to a natural gas line, so the proposed budget also includes a natural gas distribution line fund. With $25 million in matching grants to business parks and manufacturers to construct the last few miles of natural gas distribution lines, the fund enhances the availability of low-cost natural gas to Pennsylvania’s manufacturing sector, establishing a significant competitive advantage in production costs and boosting the Commonwealth’s ability to attract new enterprises.

Building on this interest, the DOE CHP Deployment Program team is hosting a CHP meet up at the Better Buildings Summit in Washington, DC, on May 27. The team will discuss DOE resources to better understand and take advantage of CHP opportunities. For more information, contact Claudia Tighe.

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CHP Installation Database: Revised and Available Online

DOE launched an upgraded website for the CHP Installation Database that offers information on current CHP installations across the United States. The new site makes navigation easier for users and allows for more frequent updates of the data. Upgrades include the following:

  • An update for recent CHP installations
  • The ability to search for specific CHP systems or groups of systems
  • The option to sort and filter data by categories such as application (building/facility) or fuel type
  • A data download function that allows users to download a list of the currently operating CHP systems included in the database as well as summary tables of the data; to download the data, a user must register with the website
  • A link allows users to alert DOE about operating CHP systems that are not listed in the database and updates to current listings

CHP is an efficient and clean approach to generating on-site electric power and useful thermal energy from a single fuel source. The new website will help inform anyone interested in the technology. For more information regarding CHP, contact Claudia Tighe.

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Updated Energy Management Systems eGuide Released

AMO Energy Management Systems eGuide has been updated. The eGuide is a tool that helps company facilities implement and manage robust energy management systems to achieve continuous improvement in energy efficiency. The new eGuide includes plant facilities from all industry sectors. In addition, users who log in through AMO’s Energy Resource Center can now track their progress through each step as they complete assigned tasks. Each step provides them with tangible results and concrete plans for action. The easy-to-use tool contains material organized for beginners through experts:

  • Level 1—Foundational Energy Management will help any organization implement a basic energy management program
  • Level 2—ISO 50001 Energy Management helps an organization implement an ISo 50001-2011 standard-based energy management system
  • Level 3—Superior Energy Performance® (SEP™) Program provides guidance on the additional requirements (beyond ISO 50001) necessary to achieve certification under SEP, including third-party measurement and verification of energy performance improvement

For more information on the eGuide, contact Paul Scheihing.

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2015 Better Buildings Summit: Four Reasons to Register

At the 2015 Better Buildings Summit, leading organizations from the industrial, commercial, public, and multifamily housing sectors will showcase creative and cost-saving methods they have implemented to cut energy intensity in their plants and buildings. For those still undecided about participating in the May 27–29 Summit in Washington, DC, DOE recently outlined four key reasons to attend:

  1. Network—The 2014 Summit attracted more than 600 participants from leading companies such as Wal-Mart, Ford, Best Buy, and General Mills; major cities such as Atlanta, Cleveland, and Seattle; and states such as Maryland and New York. DOE’s goal is to bring more than 800 stakeholders together this year.
  2. Learn—The 2015 Summit agenda includes dozens of presentations and workshops on a wide variety of key energy efficiency topics led by DOE and outside experts. There is a full day of content specific to the industrial sector as well as several cross-sector sessions relevant to manufacturers.
  3. Celebrate—This year’s Summit will recognize Better Plants Partners for their energy efficiency achievements.
  4. Look into the Future—AMO will hold its peer review concurrently with the Summit, providing participants with a unique opportunity to learn more about cutting-edge manufacturing-related R&D projects.

Register for the Summit today! For more information, contact Andre de Fontaine.

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<h4><span style="color: rgb(89, 127, 43);">Partners Featured in this Issue</span></h4><p>BD; Encina Wastewater Authority; Ford Motor Company; General Mills; Harbec, Inc.; Lineage Logistics; Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation; Los Angeles Department of Water and Power; 3M; and Victor Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h4>Events</h4><p><strong>Next-Generation Electric Machines Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Webinar</strong><br />April 1 | Online<br />Up to $20 million is now available to develop a new generation of energy-efficient, high-power-density, high-speed-integrated medium-voltage drive systems for a wide variety of critical energy applications. AMO plans to select four to six projects and will host an informational webinar on this FOA.<br /><a href="node/1032861">More</a></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Pennsylvania Strategic Energy Management Showcase</strong><br />April 7 | State College, PA<br />The Showcase is an opportunity for industrial manufacturers to learn how the Better Plants, ISO 50001, and Superior Energy Performance programs work, including the tools and resources they offer. Participants will also learn about energy management success stories from Pennsylvania industrial plants and how to use regression analysis to better model and measure energy performance, among other topics.<br /><a href="">More</a></p><p… Fibers and Their Composites Symposium/Workshop</strong><br />April 16-17 | Oak Ridge, TN<br />The American Carbon Society is hosting a symposium and workshop at Oak Ridge National Laboratory to promote the science and technology of carbon fibers and their composites to students and early career scientists and engineers. The event will include lectures by leading experts in manufacturing, research presentations, and a poster session and reception.<br /><a href="… Buildings Summit</strong><br />May 27-29 | Washington, D.C.<br />The Better Buildings Summit is a national meeting where leading organizations across key sectors showcase solutions to cut energy intensity in their buildings and plants over the next ten years. This Summit is designed so partners and stakeholders can exchange best practices, highlight demonstrated market solutions, and discuss future opportunities for greater energy efficiency in America&#39;s homes and buildings.<br /><a href="">More</a>… Trainings</strong><br />INPLTs are three-day training sessions focused on cross-cutting energy systems. Trainings are hosted by Better Plants Partners and are open to other companies unless noted otherwise. Contact <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Bill Orthwein</a> for information on how to participate. Space is limited.</p><p>April 8-9 | Shaw Industries Group (Steam) | Dalton, GA</p><p>May 11-14 | Intertape Polymer Group (Multisystem &ndash; Process Heat and Compressed Air) | Danville, VA</p><p>May 12-14 | Weyerhaeuser (Fans) | Heaters, WV</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h4>About AMO Programs</h4><p>AMO partners with industry, small businesses, universities, and other stakeholders to identify and invest in emerging technologies with the potential to create high-quality domestic manufacturing jobs and enhance the global competitiveness of the United States. There are three main areas:</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Facilities</strong><br />AMO Facilities are collaborative communities that provide participants with affordable access to physical and virtual tools and enable demonstration in targeted technical areas of manufacturing.<br /><a href="/node/727391">More</a></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Research &amp; Development Projects</strong><br />R&amp;D projects at AMO explore novel energy-efficient, next-generation materials and innovative process technologies for both specific industry sectors and a wider range of manufacturing industries.<br /><a href="/node/727731">More</a></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Technical Assistance</strong><br />Industrial Technical Assistance supports the deployment of manufacturing technologies and practices, including strategic energy management and combined heat and power, across American industry to increase productivity and reduce water and energy use.<br /><a href="/node/907776">More</a></p>

Report Now Available: DC Microgrids Scoping Study--Estimate of Technical and Economic Benefits (March 2015)
FEMP Offers Training on Federal On-Site Renewable Power Purchase Agreements
  • Advanced Manufacturing Processes
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Clean Energy
  • Industrial Decarbonization Technologies
  • Next-Generation Materials