Technology Focus Areas

The results of analysis are used to focus its research and technology partnership activities, and to inform the development of metrics and funding opportunity announcements.  The Advanced Materials & Materials Technologies Office (AMMTO) and Industrial Efficiency & Decarbonization Office (IEDO) undertake an integrated and coordinated approach to strategic analysis. Efforts can be generally grouped into three main areas according to the analysis approach:

  • Advanced Manufacturing Technology Analysis: the targeted analysis of manufacturing and industrial technologies to assess their energy impacts and identify energy saving opportunities at the unit operations and at the plant/facility levels.
  • Resource Efficiency and Supply Chain/Value Chain Analysis: broad systems analyses such as life cycle energy analyses of advanced manufacturing technologies and products to assess net impacts, including beyond the plant boundary.
  • Cross-Cutting Analysis: benchmarking studies, sector-wide and cross-sectoral technology opportunity analyses, and the development of multi-use analysis methodologies and tools.

There are fourteen Advanced Manufacturing Technology Areas, which coincide with Chapter 6 of the 2015 Quadrennial Technology Review (QTR) Manufacturing Technology Assessment Topics.

AMMTO & IEDO conduct rigorous analyses to support its decision making and activities. These range from benchmarking studies to assessments of technology opportunities and their potential impacts.