CABLE R&D Workshop: Manufacturing Initiative for Improved Conductors that Support Widespread Electrification

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) held the CABLE Big Idea RDD&D Workshop April 7–9, 2021. The virtual workshop brought together approximately 250 leading scientific and technical experts including engineers, manufacturers, scientists, and other entities within the conductor material and electrical product manufacturing supply chain.  

Based on the feedback received at the workshop, the CABLE team updated its research ecosystem chart. The post-workshop CABLE research ecosystem reduces overall emphasis on applications and increases focus on materials development, including theory and characterization, and features the FY 2021 SBIR and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) seedling awards.

This workshop report summarizes the presentations, panel discussions, and breakout group discussions that took place at this event. The results presented here are a snapshot of the viewpoints expressed by the experts who attended the workshop and do not necessarily reflect those of the broader conductivity-enhanced materials community.

Download the full report here.