Report on Implementation of DOE Order 450.1, Environmental Protection Program
Office of Enterprise Assessments
February 28, 2006December 2005
Report on Implementation of DOE Order 450.1, Environmental Protection Program
This report summarizes the observations and insights from evaluating the effectiveness of implementing select requirements of U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Order 450.1 during Office of Independent Oversight environment, safety, and health (ES&H) management inspections conducted in 2005.
Generally, the five sites’ P2 programs have been implemented, although availability of resources varies. P2 requirements have been communicated actively and effectively through various mechanisms. Dedicated personnel support site-wide program activities and assist line organizations in identifying opportunities to reduce or eliminate waste. As a result, these sites have received a number of awards and recognition for P2.
Section 2 of this report discusses Independent Oversight’s observations about sites’ effectiveness in implementing selected aspects of DOE Order 450.1. Section 3 discusses Independent Oversight’s observations about sites’ P2 performance. For the two areas that were reviewed, Independent Oversight discusses positive attributes and weaknesses and provides an overall assessment. Section 4 presents potential opportunities for improving DOE performance across the complex.