Issued to International Isotopes Idaho, Inc., related to Work Planning and Control Deficiencies associated with Replacement of Exhaust Ventilation Filters at the Test Reactor Area Hot Cell Facility at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental La...
Office of Enterprise Assessments
May 19, 2000May 19, 2000
Issued to International International Isotopes Idaho, Inc., related to Work Planning and Control Deficiencies associated with Replacement of Exhaust Ventilation Filters at the Test Reactor Area Hot Cell Facility at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory,
On May 19, 2000, the U.S. Department of Energy issued a Preliminary Notice of Violation (EA 2000-04) to International Isotopes Idaho, Inc. for violations of 10 C.F.R. Parts 830 and 835 relating to work planning and control deficiencies during the replacement of hot cell exhaust ventilation filters at Test Reactor Area Building 632 at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory.