Preliminary Notice of Violation, Fluor Hanford Inc. - EA-2004-06

Issued to Fluor Hanford, Incorporated, related to Deficiencies with the Design and Safety Basis of the Sludge and Water System (SWS) at the K Reactor, 100 Area, Hanford Site. Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty $935,000.

Office of Enterprise Assessments

July 15, 2004
minute read time

July 14, 2004

Issued to Fluor Hanford, Incorporated, related to Deficiencies with the Design and Safety Basis of the Sludge and Water System (SWS) at the K Reactor, 100 Area, Hanford Site. Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty $935,000.

On July 14, 2004, the U.S. Department of Energy issued a Preliminary Notice of Violation (EA-2004-06) to Fluor Hanford Incorporated for violations of 10 C.F.R. 830 and 10 C.F.R. 820.11 associated with deficienciesin the design and safety basis of the Sludge and Water System at the Hanford site K Reactor.

  • Nuclear Security & Safety