Office of Environment, Safety and Health Assessments Protocol for the Development and Maintenance of Criteria and Review Approach Documents – May 2021, Revision 4 (PROTOCOL-EA-30-01)

Office of Environment, Safety and Health Assessments Protocol for the Development and Maintenance of Criteria and Review Approach Documents – May 2021, Revision 4 (PROTOCOL-EA-30-01)

Office of Enterprise Assessments

May 25, 2021
minute read time

May 2021

Office of Environment, Safety and Health Assessments Protocol for the Development and Maintenance of Criteria and Review Approach Documents – May 2021, Revision 4 (PROTOCOL-EA-30-01)

The purpose of this protocol is to establish the requirements and responsibilities for the development and maintenance of criteria and review approach documents (CRADs) used by the Office of Environment, Safety and Health Assessments (EA-30). The EA-30 CRADs are selected, modified (if required), and referenced in assessment plans for the EA-30 Tier 2 Offices (i.e., Office of Nuclear Safety and Environmental Assessments (EA-31), the Office of Worker Safety and Health Assessments (EA-32), the Office of Emergency Management Assessments (EA-33), and the Office of Nuclear Engineering and Safety Basis Assessments (EA-34)). As stated in Section 4.2 of DOE G 226.1-2A, Federal Line Management Oversight of Department of Energy Nuclear Facilities, “CRADs are used to establish the depth and detail of an assessment and to provide clarity and consistent guidance to the assessment team, as well as to the organization being assessed.”