Targeted Assessment of the Double Shell Tank Ventilation Systems at the Hanford Site Tank Farms
Office of Enterprise Assessments
September 15, 2016September 2016
Targeted Assessment of the Double Shell Tank Ventilation Systems at the Hanford Site Tank Farms
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Nuclear Safety and Environmental Assessments, within the independent Office of Enterprise Assessments (EA), conducted a targeted assessment of the effectiveness of management of the safety-significant double shell tank ventilation systems at the Hanford Site Tank Farms. This assessment was conducted within the broader context of a series of targeted assessments of management of safety class or safety-significant structures, systems, and components at DOE sites. The assessment evaluated conduct of operations, configuration management, maintenance, surveillance testing, and compliance with Specific Administrative Controls for flammable gas monitoring. EA also assessed the Washington River Protection Solutions, LLC and DOE Office of River Protection feedback and improvement programs.