Review of the Los Alamos National Laboratory Implementation Verification Review at Technical Area-55
Office of Enterprise Assessments
July 5, 2012July 2012
Review of the Los Alamos National Laboratory Implementation Verification Review at Technical Area-55
his report documents the results of an independent review of the implementation verification review (IVR) process at the Los Alamos National Laboratory plutonium facility at Technical Area-55 that was conducted by the Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Health, Safety and Security (HSS). The review was performed by the HSS Office of Safety and Emergency Management Evaluations from May 1 - 17, 2012 and was carried out within the broader context of an ongoing program of assessments of the execution of IVRs at DOE sites with hazard category 1, 2, and 3 nuclear facilities. The overall purpose of these Independent Oversight reviews is to evaluate the processes and methods used for verifying and re-verifying the implementation of new or substantially revised safety basis hazard controls.