Review of the Los Alamos National Laboratory Waste Characterization, Reduction, and Repackaging Facility Fire Suppression System
Office of Enterprise Assessments
January 25, 2012January 2012
Review of the Los Alamos National Laboratory Waste Characterization, Reduction, and Repackaging Facility Fire Suppression System
Tresults of an independent review of the Los Alamos National Laboratory Waste Characterization, Reduction, and Repackaging Facility safety significant fire suppression system that was conducted May 1-13, 2011, by the Office of Health, Safety and Security's (HSS) Office of Safety and Emergency Management Evaluations in conjunction with a scheduled Los Alamos Site Office (LASO) assessment. The purpose of the LASO assessment was to evaluate the facility’s compliance with its authorization basis, national consensus standards, U.S. Department of Energy orders and standards, and National Fire Protection Association standards and requirements.