Review of the Hanford Tank Farms Radiological Controls Activity-Level Implementation
Office of Enterprise Assessments
January 3, 2013December 2012
Review of the Hanford Tank Farms Radiological Controls Activity-Level Implementation
This report documents an independent review by the Office of Enforcement and Oversight (Independent Oversight) within the Office of Health, Safety and Security (HSS) of radiological protection program (RPP) activity-level implementation at the Hanford Tank Farms. The review was performed by the HSS Office of Safety and Emergency Management Evaluations. The purpose of this Independent Oversight targeted review effort is to evaluate the flowdown of occupational radiation protection requirements, as expressed in facility RPPs, to work planning, control, and execution processes, such as radiological work authorizations, including radiological work permits (RWPs) and other technical work documents (TWDs). This targeted review was performed at the Hanford Site during the period of October 22-26, 2012.