Oversight Review of the Bonneville Power Administration Safety Management Program
Office of Enterprise Assessments
March 4, 2014March 2014
Oversight Review of the Bonneville Power Administration Safety Management Program
Bonneville Power Administration management requested that the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Enforcement and Oversight (Independent Oversight), within the Office of Health, Safety and Security, conduct an independent review of the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) safety management program. The review is one of several BPA initiatives to improve safety management to address a number of safety concerns. The review evaluated three overarching areas: (1) BPA safety and health management systems and processes as applied to BPA Federal workers and supplemental workers (i.e., contractor augmented staff) , (2) safety and health processes applied to contracted work (typically construction-like projects and vegetation control performed by contractors), and (3) BPA performance assurance processes and practices. BPA recognizes that maintaining a safe work environment requires continuous evaluation and improvement.