Independent Oversight Follow-Up Review, Hanford Site - June 2005

Review of Worker Vapor Exposures and Occupational Medicine Program at the Hanford Site, June 2005

Office of Enterprise Assessments

July 22, 2009
minute read time

June 2005

Review of Worker Vapor Exposures and Occupational Medicine Program at the Hanford Site, June 2005

This report provides the results of a follow-up review of selected aspects of worker safety and health systems at the Department of Energy's (DOE) Hanford Site.  The review was a follow-up to an investigation conducted February through April 2004 at the direction of the Secretary of Energy to evaluate allegations of deficient safety and medical practices.  The follow-up review was conducted in May and June 2005 by the DOE Office of Independent Oversight and Performance Assurance's Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations, within the Office of Security and Safety Performance Assurance, to evaluate corrective actions implemented since the investigation.