Independent Assessment of Work Planning and Control at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Office of Enterprise Assessments
August 30, 2024August 2024,
Independent Assessment of Work Planning and Control at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Enterprise Assessments (EA) conducted an independent assessment of work planning and control (WP&C) for work involving lockout/tagout and machine guarding at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) from March to May 2024. Specifically, this assessment evaluated Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Division (BMI) WP&C processes and implementation of the integrated safety management system core functions: define the scope of work, identify and analyze hazards, develop and implement hazard controls, perform work safely within controls, and provide feedback and make improvements. The assessment also included the evaluation of Federal oversight conducted by the Pacific Northwest Site Office (PNSO).