Independent Assessment of Specific Administrative Controls at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Plutonium Facility-Building 332 - March 2022

Independent Assessment of Specific Administrative Controls at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Plutonium Facility-Building 332 - March 2022

Office of Enterprise Assessments

March 22, 2022
minute read time

March 2022

Independent Assessment of Specific Administrative Controls at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Plutonium Facility-Building 332 - March 2022

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Nuclear Engineering and Safety Basis Assessments, within the independent Office of Enterprise Assessments (EA), conducted an assessment of the derivation and implementation of specific administrative controls (SACs) at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Plutonium Facility – Building 332. This assessment, conducted from October through November 2021, was performed within the broader context of ongoing assessments of the derivation and implementation of SACs at selected high risk (i.e., hazard category 1 and 2) facilities across the DOE complex. The purpose of these assessments is to evaluate the effectiveness of both the contractor and field office in developing, implementing, and maintaining SACs.