Review of the Safety-Significant Ventilation Systems at the Irradiated Fuels Examination Laboratory Operated by UT-Battelle for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Office of Science
Office of Enterprise Assessments
April 28, 2015April 2015
Review of the Safety-Significant Ventilation Systems at the Irradiated Fuels Examination Laboratory Operated by UT-Battelle for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Office of Science
The Office of Nuclear Safety and Environmental Assessments, within the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) independent Office of Enterprise Assessments (EA), within the Office of Environment, Safety and Health Assessments conducted an independent assessment of the safety-significant ventilation systems at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Irradiated Fuels Examination Laboratory, Building 3525. EA also evaluated the effectiveness of Federal safety system oversight by reviewing the performance of DOE oversight at ORNL. This independent assessment, conducted during October 2014, was part of a larger targeted assessment of safety-class and safety-significant structures, systems, and components across the DOE complex.