Tribal Communities

The Beyond 100k Supporting STEM Education in Tribal Communities Project Team, with support from several Indigenous Pueblos and Tribes, developed the FIRST STEPS document as a resource for engaging with Indigenous entities to support Indigenous youth in STEM education.


DOE charters three Tribal Working Groups.

Logo for Indian Country Energy and Infrastructure Working Group (ICEIWG)

ICEIWG works collaboratively with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Indian Energy to assist in surveys, analysis, and recommendations related to program and policy initiatives that fulfill DOE's statutory authorizations and requirements


Logo for Nuclear Energy Tribal Working Group (NETWG)

NETWG is a chartered working group, focused on engaging tribal governments interested in the broad spectrum of Department of Energy (DOE) nuclear energy activities. NETWG explores such topics as nuclear research and development, small module reactors, stakeholder outreach, STEM education, emergency response and planning activities, and potential economic business opportunities. 


Logo for State and Tribal Government Working Group

Made up of states and Native American tribes, STGWG engages directly with DOE on issues related to the cleanup of the nuclear weapons complex. STGWG representatives provide recommendations to ensure that operation and cleanup activities are in compliance with all federal and state laws and regulations and tribal rights, including those retained by treaty, conferred by statute, and protected by the federal trust responsibility.