A modern electricity grid is vital to the Nation’s security, economy and modern way of life, providing the foundation for essential services that Americans rely on every day. The Nation’s power grid, however, is aging and faces a future for which it was not designed.
The Energy Department’s Grid Modernization Initiative (GMI) represents a comprehensive effort to help shape the future of our nation’s grid and solve the challenges of integrating conventional and renewable sources with energy storage and smart buildings, while ensuring that the grid is resilient and secure to withstand growing cybersecurity and climate challenges. Through the GMI and its Multi-Year Program Plan (MYPP), the Department will help frame new grid architecture design elements, develop new planning and real-time operations platforms, provide metrics and analytics to improve grid performance, and enhance government and industry capabilities for designing the infrastructure and regulatory models needed for successful grid modernization. The MYPP builds on concepts and recommendations from DOE’s recently released Quadrennial Energy Review and Quadrennial Technology Review.
As part of the GMI, the Energy Department announced funding in January, 2016 of up to $220 million over three years for DOE’s National Labs and partners. The Grid Modernization Laboratory Consortium funding will support critical research and development in advanced storage systems, clean energy integration, standards and test procedures, and a number of other key grid modernization areas. This effort recognizes regional differences and will strengthen regional strategies while defining a diverse and balanced national strategy. In addition to projects that address the needs of incorporating individual grid technologies like solar or energy storage, DOE is also developing crosscutting projects that have impact across multiple technologies. A list of the projects appears below. Note: funding amounts listed below are subject to appropriations and to final negotiations with award recipients.
Learn more about the Energy Department’s grid modernization work by visiting the websites of the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability and the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
Award Recipients
Acronym | Full Name | Location |
ANL | Argonne National Laboratory | Argonne, IL |
BNL | Brookhaven National Laboratory | Upton, NY |
LBNL | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | Berkeley, CA |
LLNL | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | Livermore, CA |
NREL | National Renewable Energy Laboratory | Golden, CO |
PNNL | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | Richland, WA |
SNL | Sandia National Laboratory | Albuquerque, NM |
LANL | Los Alamos National Laboratory | Los Alamos, NM |
SLAC | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory | Menlo Park, CA |
INL | Idaho National Laboratory | Idaho Falls, ID |
SRNL | Savannah River National Laboratory | Aiken, SC |
ORNL | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Oak Ridge, TN |
NETL | National Energy Technology Laboratory | Pittsburgh, PA |
NBL | New Brunswick Laboratory | Argonne, IL |
Foundational Selections
Core Activities
Project name | Description | Labs | Partners | Funding |
Project 1: Foundational Analysis for GMLC Establishment/Analysis | Develop an integrated suite of grid modernization metrics that leverage current industry practice, emerging industry additions (e.g. extreme event metrics from NERC) and develop new metrics that reflect emerging grid attributes and architectures. Conduct baseline modernization assessments and provide ongoing dashboard for policy makers, regulators and industry stakeholders. | ANL, BNL, LBNL, ORNL, NREL, PNNL, SNL, LLNL, and LANL | North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC), EIA | $4.75M proposed over three years |
Project 2: Grid Architecture | Build a new stakeholder-driven architecture for grid modernization, provide it to the industry along with the tools they need to adapt it to their needs, and use it to inform the playbook for GMLC program managers. | PNNL, ANL, NREL, ORNL, LANL, LBNL, LLNL, SNL | GE-Alstom, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), GWU, United Technologies (UTC), Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP), Omnetric Group, California ISO | $1M+ proposed over three years |
Project 3: Interoperability | This project provides strategic vision for interoperability endorsed by stakeholders with tools to measure interoperability maturity and the progress of related investments. It prioritizes interoperability gaps and develops an overarching roadmap for stakeholder endorsement. | PNNL, NREL, ANL, LBNL, SNL | SGIP, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), GridWise Architecture Council (GWAC), EPRI, Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs), Utilities, Vendors | $1M+ proposed over three years |
Project 4: Grid Modernization Laboratory Consortium Testing Network | Establish a Grid Modernization Laboratory Consortium - Testing Network (GMLC-TN); federated lab-based resource for standards-based testing and validation of grid devices and systems. Develop and establish a Grid Modernization Laboratory Consortium - Open Library (GMLC-OL) public repository for validated component models, simulation tools and testing resources. | SNL NREL, PNNL, ORNL, ANL, INL, LBNL, SRNL, BNL, LLNL | SGIP, NIST, GWAC, EPRI, Universities, Utilities, Vendors | $1M+ proposed over three years |
Project 5: Grid Services and Technologies Valuation Framework | Develop a widely accepted, well-tested valuation methodological framework for evaluating the collection of value streams (net benefits) that can be provided by different grid-related technologies and services. | ORNL, PNNL, NREL, LBNL, ANL, SNL, LANL | TVA, Eastern Interconnection Planning Collaborative, NARUC/Eastern Interconnection States Planning Council | $3M proposed over three years |
Project 6: Grid Sensing and Measurement Strategy | Identify measurement requirements along with associated data management and communication systems to enable full visibility of grid system state. This methodology will include defining the grid state, developing a roadmap along with a framework to determine sensor allocation for optimal results. | ORNL, PNNL, NETL, LLNL, ANL, NREL, SNL, LBNL, LANL | EPRI, Southern Co, Electric Power Board of Chattanooga (EPB), Entergy, OSIsoft, Dominion, TVA, ComEd, North American SynchroPhasor Initiative (NASPI) | $1M+ proposed over three years |
Pioneer Regional Partnerships
Project Name | Description | Labs | Partners | Funding |
Project 7: Southeast Consortium | Identify measurement requirements along with associated data management and communication systems to enable full visibility of grid system state. This methodology will include defining the grid state, developing a roadmap along with a framework to determine sensor allocation for optimal results. | ORNL, SRNL | University of Tennessee, EPB, Southern Company, TVA, UNC-Charlotte, Duke Energy, Santee Cooper, Clemson | $1M proposed over two years |
Project 8: Industrial Microgrid Analysis and Design for Energy Security and Resiliency | Investigation, development, and analysis of the risks, costs, and benefits of a microgrid utilizing renewable energy systems at the UPS WorldPort and Centennial Hub facilities. Develop a roadmap to help industries evaluate microgrid adoption by defining institutional and regulatory challenges associated with development of industrial-based resilient systems. | ORNL, SNL | United Parcel Service, Waste Management, Burns McDonnell, Harshaw Trane, LG&E, State of Kentucky | $1M proposed over two years |
Project 9: DER Siting and Optimization Tool for California | Deliver to stakeholders an integrated distributed resource planning and optimization platform, hosted online, able to identify meaningful behind-the-meter DER adoption patterns, potential microgrid sites and demand-side resources, and evaluate the impacts of high renewable penetration feeders on the distribution and transmission grid. | ANL, BNL, LBNL, LLNL, NREL, SLAC | California PUC, Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE), Metropolitan Council of Governments, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) | $1.3M proposed over two years |
Project 10: Smart Reconfiguration of Idaho Falls Network | Improve physical security of the Idaho Falls distribution system by testing smart reconfiguration, intelligent DR utilizing loads as a resource, controlled islanding, black start procedures for emergency service, and resynchronization in the presence of DERs. | PNNL, INL | Idaho Falls Power, Schweitzer Engineering Labs, Washington State University, Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems | $1M proposed over two years |
Project 11: Vermont Regional Partnership Enabling the Use of DER | Assist Vermont utilities in meeting the state's ambitious goal of obtaining 90% of its energy from renewable sources by 2050 through (1) DER integration, (2) DER control, (3) validation of wind and solar forecasting, and (4) techno-economic analysis of energy storage. | SNL, NREL, | Green Mountain Power, Vermont Electric Cooperative, Vermont Electric Company, University of Vermont | $1M proposed over two years |
Project 12: Grid Analysis and Design for Resiliency in New Orleans | Conduct technical evaluations to assess energy and critical infrastructure vulnerabilities, and to identify cost effective options to improve the resiliency of both the electrical grid infrastructure and the community. | SNL, LANL | City of New Orleans, Rockefeller Institute, Entergy, US Army Corps of Engineers | $1M proposed over two years |
Project 13: Alaska Microgrid Partnership | Develop a design basis framework and programmatic approach to assist stakeholders in their efforts to reduce diesel fuel consumption by at least 50% in Alaska's remote microgrids without increasing system lifecycle costs, while improving overall system reliability, security, and resilience. | NREL, PNNL, LBNL, SNL | Alaska Energy Authority, University of Alaska- Fairbanks, University of Alaska- Anchorage, Renewable Energy Alaska Project, Intelligent Energy Systems | $1M proposed over two years |
Project 14: Technical Support to the New York State REV Initiative | Provide objective Technical Assistance by a team of National Lab experts to NYS agencies and policy makers on significant policy issues including retail market design, rate design, customer engagement, utility planning/operations, DER integration, cyber security. | BNL, LBNL, PNNL, INL | NYSERDA, NY State Smart Grid Consortium, Modern Grid Solutions, ICF International, Regulatory Assistance Project | $1M proposed over two years |
Project 15: Grid Frequency Support from Distributed Inverter-Based Resources in Hawaii | Develop, simulate, validate, and deploy practical solutions in Hawaii that enable distributed energy resources (DERs) to help mitigate bulk system frequency contingency events on the fastest time scale (milliseconds to seconds). Validate the ability of real hardware inverters to support grid frequency in an environment that emulates the dynamics of a HECO power system. | NREL, SNL | Hawaiian Electric Companies, Enphase Energy, Fronius USA, Forum on Inverter Grid Integration issues, Energy Excelerator | $1M proposed over two years |
Project 16: Midwest Interconnection Seams Study | Convene industry and academic experts in power systems to evaluate the HVDC and AC transmission seams between the U.S. interconnections and propose upgrades to existing facilities that reduce the cost of modernizing the nation's power system. | NREL, PNNL, ANL, ORNL | Iowa State University, Southwest Power Pool (SPP), Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), Minnesota Power, Xcel Energy, Tetra Tech, Transgrid Solutions, Utility Variable-Generation Integration Group (UVIG), and Bryndan Associates | $1.2M proposed over two years |
Project 17: Transactive Campus Demonstration | Three campuses (PNNL, UW and WSU) will develop and test a range of transactive control activities on each of the 3 campuses. They will also develop the ability to coordinate across these three campuses to provide coordinated services to the PNW power system and their serving distribution utilities based upon the transactive response of key loads on the campuses. The UW will emphasize energy storage and coordination for peak management and provision of flexibility. The WSU campus will leverage its microgrid and major campus loads and thermal storage to deliver transactive response. And PNNL will advance controls in its new SEB grid building and other campus loads to help the City of Richland better manage its demand limits. OE and BTO collaborated in the design and cost share of the project. | PNNL | Washington State Clean Energy Fund, University of Washington, Washington State University | $2M DOE, $2M WA CEF over 18 months |
Crosscutting Activities
Project Name | Description | Labs | Partners | Funding |
Project 17: Standards and Test Procedures for Interconnection and Interoperability | This project will build on prior efforts and leverage existing activities spanning multiple DOE programs that are developing interconnection and interoperability standards and test procedures to:
| NREL, PNNL, LBNL, SNL, ANL, ORNL, INL | SGIP, NIST, GWAC, EPRI, Standards Organizations, Utilties, Vendors Solutions, UVIG, and Bryndan Associates | $3.5M |
Project 18: Definitions, Standards and Test Procedures for Grid Services | Enable and spur the deployment of a broad range of distributed energy resource (DER) devices by defining a test protocol to characterize their ability to respond to grid signals and define a standard set of grid services and "drive cycles" to describe the capabilities that DERs must have to provide them. | PNNL, NREL, ORNL, SNL, LBNL, ANL, INL, LLNL | Independent Test Labs, EPRI, Standards Organizations, Utilities, Vendors | $6.5M over three years |
Project 19: Advanced Sensor Development | Increase visibility throughout the energy system including transmission, distribution, and end-use by developing low-cost, accurate sensors. Additionally, next generation asset monitoring devices will help determine state of grid components prior to failure. | ORNL, PNNL, NETL, NREL, SNL, LBNL | EPRI, University of Tennessee, Southern Co, EPB, Entergy, Eaton, SmartSense, National Instruments, Dominion, TVA, CommEd, NASPI | $6M over three years |
Project 20: Integrated Multi Scale Data Analytics and Machine Learning for the Grid | Develop a low cost scalable infrastructure for integrating disparate high fidelity data sources. Machine learning methodologies will be used to assist in transforming data into actionable intelligence. This platform will allow multiple entities to collaborate on data utilization. | LANL, SNL, LBNL, ORNL, NREL, ANL | OSIsoft, National Instruments | $2.5M over three years |
Project 21: Control Theory | Develop new control solutions including topologies, algorithms, and deployment strategies for transitioning the power grid to a state where a huge number of distributed energy resources are participating in grid control to enable the grid to operate with lean reserve margins. The theory effort will recognize the need to engage legacy control concepts and systems as we transition to more distributed control. | LANL, PNNL, ANL, INL, NREL, SNL, LLNL | Oncor, PJM Interconnection, United Technologies Research Center | $6.5M over three years |
Project 22: Multi-Scale Integration of Control Systems (EMS/DMS/BMS) | Create an integrated grid management framework for the end-to-end power delivery system - from central and distributed energy resources at bulk power systems and distribution systems, to local control systems for energy networks, including building management systems. | ANL, BNL, LANL, LLNL, NREL, PNNL, SNL | Alstom Grid, Duke Energy, PJM | $3.5M over three years |
Project 23: Development of Integrated Transmission, Distribution, and Communication (TDC) Models | Build on best-in-class Lab capabilities to develop an integrated, flexible, open source framework for coupling TDC models and simulations. Validate framework and models on hardware testbed. Demos with partners will include distributed /wide area controls and DER. | PNNL, LLNL, NREL, ANL, ORNL, SNL, INL | SCE, National Grid, PJM, Peak Reliability, NRECA, CAISO, NYISO, ERCOT | $4M over three years |
Project 24: Extreme Event Modeling | Improve preparation, planning, and response to extreme events such as hurricanes, EMP, etc. Focus on developing analysis prototype demonstrating up to 500x performance improvements in modeling cascading events and probabilistic N-k contingency analysis. | LANL, PNNL, LLNL, ANL, BNL, NREL, ORNL, SNL | PJM, Dominion, Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), NERC, FERC, IEEE Cascading Failure Working Group, University of Tennessee - Knoxville Center for Ultra-Wide-Area Resilient Electric Energy Transmission Networks (UTK-CURENT) | $3M over three years |
Project 25: Computational Science for Grid Management | Address increasing computational complexity and reduced time-to-solution requirements for grid planning and operations via new scalable solvers, dynamics, and uncertainty analysis. Builds upon existing DOE-funded work (GridPack, M2ACS Program, PETSc and SUNDIALS libraries). | ANL, PNNL, NREL, SNL, LLNL, LANL | PJM, ISO-New England | $1.5M over three years |
Project 26: Threat Detection and Response with Data Analytics | Develop technologies and methodologies to protect the grid from advanced cyber and all-hazard threats through the collection of disparate data and the employment of advanced analytics for threat detection and response. | INL, LBNL, LLNL, ORNML, PNNL, SNL | Electric Power Board (EPB), National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) | $3M over three years |
Project 27: Distribution System Decision Support Tools | Project will develop tools, identify gaps and provide technical assistance/training targeted at state regulators and small/medium utilities (e.g., co-ops and municipal utilities) on advanced distribution system planning for a modernized grid that incorporates high levels of DER. | NREL, LBNL, PNNL | American Public Power Association (APPA), National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), Interstate Renewable Energy Council, Pedernales Electric Cooperative, National Grid, Arizona Public Service Company, Black and Veatch | $2.5M over three years |
Project 28: Development and Deployment of Multi-Scale Production Cost Models | Develop ability to more accurately estimate economic impact of renewables, storage, and other technologies. Research scalable methods for deterministic and stochastic PCM, higher resolution grid models, applications of uncertainty quantification and high performance computing (HPC). New capabilities will be deployed with system planners through PCM workshops. | NREL, SNL, ANL, PNNL, LLNL | MISO, Energy Exemplar, PJM Interconnect, NRECA | $3M over three years |
Project 29: Future Electric Utility Regulation | Provide technical assistance and policy analysis to state PUCs considering incremental and fundamental changes to electric utility regulation; enhance utility financial analysis modeling tools focused on ratemaking and regulatory issues that arise with increased penetration of DER. | LBNL, NREL, PNNL, SNL, LANL, NETL | National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners | $3M over three years |
Program Specific Selections
Building Technologies Office
Note: If FY17 and FY18 appropriations are consistent with PY16 omnibus, BTO anticipates flat project fund to complete the following three year projects.
Project Name | Description | Labs | Partners | Funding |
Project 1: Virtual Batteries | Develop a characterization methodology to quantify the capacity/availability of virtual storage resources through transactive control of building loads to deliver grid and other transactive services. This work will be conducted in coordination with OE, ARPA-E, and PNNL's Control of Complex Systems Initiative (PNNL LDRD funded). | PNNL | University of Florida, TVA, BPA, and (potentially) UTRC. | $3.6M over three years |
Project 2: Message Bus | Volttron Extension that provides building level data standardization to enable transactive services from connected equipment and buildings. | SLAC | $0.9M over three years | |
Project 3: Economic Dispatch | Design, develop, and field a multi-purpose transactive controller and associated open source algorithms that will ensure real time optimal operation of building equipment, increase electric grid reliability, and lead to the goal of clean, efficient, reliable and affordable next generation buildings and energy systems. | PNNL | $3M over three years | |
Project 4: Transformer Efficiency | Develop and evaluated transactive load control strategies for distribution and building level transformers that improve the efficiency of integrated electric energy system and extend the service life of utility and building assets. This work will be conducted in coordination with the DOE Appliance Standards Program. | SRNL | DOD, Clemson, Duke Power, SCE&G, Santee Cooper | $4.5M over three years |
Project 5: Hybrid Inverter | Develop universal transactive driver interface for the Volttron platform to enable near real-time control of DER-based, community scaled power electric. | ORNL | $1.5M over three years | |
Project 6: Connected Loads | Develop whole-building transactive, supervisory load control and fault detection and diagnostics for improving the energy efficiency, reducing peak demand, and enabling grid responsive loads. | ORNL | Southern Company, Emerson Climate Technologies | $3M over three years |
Fuel Cells Technologies Office
Project Name | Description | Labs | Partners | Funding |
Project 1: Optimal Stationary Fuel Cell Integration and Control | This project has two main objectives: 1) to implement an open-source dispatch and load control tool for building management that can communicate and transact with a fuel cell integrated building system and the grid for optimized dispatch of building components, and 2) to implement a planning tool for optimal component selection and sizing based on optimal resource control for distributed energy systems and smart building component using location specific energy markets, building energy modeling, and chosen dispatch control strategy. | NREL, PNNL | Washington State University, Doosan Fuel Cell America, Inc., Plug Power, IN.c, Humboldt University, Ballard | $2.1M proposed over three years |
Project 2: Integrated Systems Modeling of the Interactions between Stationary Hydrogen, Vehicle, and Grid Resources | The goal of this project is to establish the available capacity, value, and impacts of interconnecting hydrogen infrastructure and fuel cell electric vehicles to the electric grid. The first objective is to quantify the opportunity of utilizing flexibility from hydrogen systems to support the grid. The second objective is to develop and implement methods to assess optimal system configuration and operating strategy for grid-integrated hydrogen systems. Data products (e.g., equipment costs, market data, vehicle operation and fueling data) will be available for release to help establish a benchmark for future work. | LBNL, NREL, INL | $1.65M proposed over three years |
Solar Energy Technologies Office
Project Name | Description | Lab | Partners | Funding |
Project 1: Additively Manufactured Photovoltaic Inverter (AMPVI) | In this three-year integrated project, activities will be focused on development and validation of the foundational building blocks needed for the additively manufactured photovoltaic inverter (AMPVI). Technology development include high voltage SiC-based power block, gate driver, controller board, and control algorithms, magnetic design tools, additive manufacturing inverter design, prototyping, and integration testing. | NREL, ORNL | Purdue University | $4.5M proposed over three years |
Project 2: Combined PV/Battery Grid Integration with High Frequency Magnetics Enabled Power Electronics | Advanced DC-DC and DC-AC converter-based integrated modules and associated systems architectures and topologies will be developed for 13.8kV, 60Hz direct grid connection using SiC devices. In parallel, advanced magnetic cores and high frequency (HF) transformers built upon them will be developed to enable DC-DC and DC-AC converters with energy storage (ES) that serve as the building blocks for the proposed technologies. System architecture studies informed by market driven technical requirements will also be performed to provide guidance for the on-going R&D activities throughout. | NETL | NC State University, Eaton, Carnegie Mellon University, NASA | $4M proposed over three years |
Project 3: Solar Resource Calibration, Measurement, and Dissemination | Develop and disseminate accurate solar resource information through improvement in instrumentation, traceable ISO-17025 accredited calibration and characterization, and resource modeling. Develop industry relevant consensus standards and best practices to lower barriers and reduces financing risk and costs. | NREL | $2.5M proposed over three years | |
Project 4: Improvement and Validation of the System Advisor Model (SAM) | Strengthen and increase relevance of the System Advisor Model (SAM) as the best-in-class modeling software for techno-economic analysis of solar energy technologies. Research and implement cutting-edge system performance and financial models. Develop open platforms to enable custom, proprietary, and high value-add extension plugins. Technical support, documentation, and training to promote stakeholder engagement. Integrate the latest and most accurate databases for components, solar resource, tariffs, and costs. | NREL | $2.2M proposed over three years | |
Project 5: Dynamic Building Load Control to Facilitate High Penetration of Solar Photovoltaic Generation | Responsive loads that can be controlled temporally and spatially to minimize difference between demand and PV production to minimize voltage variation and reduce two-way power flow. Develop models and perform system-level simulation; Model-based control design to generate control software; Controller and communication network development; Unit-level and system-level testing; Field Testing | ORNL | Southern Company, University of Tennessee, Georgia Tech | $3M proposed over three years |
Project 6: Concentrating Solar Power in a SunShot Future | Analyze the role of dispatchable concentrating solar power (CSP) in providing multiple grid services to increase the overall penetration of solar energy and mitigate the variability impacts of solar PV. Using industry vetted tools and methods simulate the value of CSP with TES providing multiple grid services over all time scales of interest | NREL | GE | $2.1M proposed over three years |
Project 7: Secure, Scalable, Stable Control and Communication for Distributed PV | The goal of this effort is to develop a distributed control and communications architecture that refines the SunShot Systems Integration communications target metrics by clearly articulating the impact of each metric on the grid. Depending on the application, some metrics may be relaxed significantly, resulting in significant cost savings. For other applications, the metrics may not be sufficient to maintain or improve the stability and security of the power grid with very high penetrations of PV generation (e.g., 2030). | SNL | Montana Tech University | $2.7M proposed over three years |
Project 8: Opportunistic Hybrid Communications Systems for Distributed PV Coordination | The objective of the proposed research is a full-scale, operational implementation of the opportunistic hybrid communication system. The system is considered hybrid because it utilizes different communications pathways, such as SCADA systems, satellite communications, and powerline communications. It is opportunistic in that it chooses to route messages through each of these systems based on recent data about latency and availability to ensure reliable message passing. From a PV perspective, the research will allow the current gaps in knowledge on grid performance, phrased in terms of reliability, scalability, interoperability, flexibility, and security, to be filled with measured data from PV systems and other monitoring points in the power system and with robust inferences from state estimation algorithms. | NREL | $2.7M proposed over three years | |
Project 9: Accelerating Systems Integration Codes and Standards (ASICS) | This project updates the codes and standards identified under the grid performance and reliability topic area focusing on the distribution grid. The standards addressed are the IEEE 1547 series, UL 1741 and the NEC. Establishing accelerated development of new interconnection and interoperability requirements and conformance procedures is the key result for this project. | NREL, SNL | $3M proposed over three years | |
Project 10: Frequency Response Assessment and Improvement of Three Major North American Interconnections due to high penetrations of Photovoltaic Generation | Directly addressing the reduced system inertia and frequency response challenge under high (60-90%) solar penetration for all three major grids (WECC, ERCOT, and EI). Technical Approach: 1) Dynamic simulations using power grid models and best-estimated high PV penetration scenarios, 2) Develop grid-support inverter control. | ORNL, NREL | University of Tennessee, GE, NREL | $2.2M proposed over three years |
Project 11: Rapid QSTS Simulations for High-Resolution Comprehensive Assessment of Distributed PV Impacts | Goal: Development new and innovative methods for rapid QSTS Simulations to assess Distributed PV impacts accurately. Objective 1: Reduce the computational time and complexity of QSTS analysis to achieve year-long time series solutions that can be run in less than 5 minutes at a time step of 1 second. Objective 2: Develop high-resolution proxy data sets that will be statistically representative of existing measured load and PV plant data and will provide an accurate representation of PV impacts. Objective 3: Improve both the time and accuracy of QSTS analysis in order to make it the industry-preferred PV impact assessment method. | SNL, NREL | Georgia Tech, University of Pittsburgh, EPRI, CYME | $4M proposed over three years |
Project 12: CyDER: A Cyber Physical Co-simulation Platform for Distributed Energy Resources in Smart Grids | Innovations: a) discrete-event co-simulation platform b) QSTS: Quasi-Static Time Series Co-simulation c) Real-time Data Acquisition for Predictive Analytics, d) FMI: Functional Mockup Interface, e) Ptolemey II: Cyberphysical simulation framework | LBNL, LLNL | SunEdison, ChargePoint | $4M proposed over three years |
Project 13: An Integrated Tool for Improving Grid Performance and Reliability of Combined Transmission-Distribution with High Solar Penetration | To develop a software tool suite, comprising of three tools, for improving grid reliability and performance of combined transmission-distribution systems under high solar penetration, a) High-fidelity combined transmission-distribution steady-state analysis tool, b) Simultaneous transmission (T) and distribution system (D) dynamic and protection system analysis tool, and c) Distribution system state estimation (DSSE) with AMI, PMU, new sensors, and asynchronous updates. | ANL, RNEL | Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), Electrocon International Inc., and McCoy Energy | $2.8M proposed over three years |
Project 14: Enabling a High penetration of Distributed PV Through the Optimization of Sub-Transmission Voltage Regulation | Voltage regulation challenges at sub-transmission will be a barrier for high penetration of photovoltaics (PVs). We will develop a Coordinated Real-time Sub-Transmission Volt-Var Control Tool (CReST-VCT) to optimize the use of reactive power control devices to stabilize voltage fluctuations caused by intermittent PV. We will couple this tool to an Optimal Future Sub-Transmission Volt-Var Planning Tool (OFuST-VPT) for short- and long-term planning. Together, the real-time control and planning tools will remove a major roadblock to the increased use of distributed PV. CReST-VCT will be demonstrated and validated on North Carolina State University (NCSU) microgrid test systems with hardware-in-the-loop simulations. Field demonstration will be performed on the Duke Energy system feeder test bed and selected sub-transmission buses. | PNNL | NC State University, GE, One-Cycle Control, Duke Energy | $3M proposed over three years |
Project 15: Visualization and Analytics of Distribution Systems with Deep Penetration of Distributed Energy Resources (VADER) | Objective: Understand the impact of technologies on the distribution system and how they can be used for planning and operations to increase PV penetration (reduce interconnection study costs and approval duration). Approach: Build a set of open source tools. Verify tools utilizing data from industry and utility partners. Validate the platform in a pilot testbed with HIL and data from deployed hardware in the field. | SLAC | Stanford, Opal-RT, Charge Point, SunPower, City of Palo Alto Utilities, Technical Advisory Group | $4M proposed over three years |
Project 16: Stabilizing the Power System in 2035 and Beyond: Evolving from Grid-Following to Grid-Forming Distributed Inverter Controllers | The aim of the proposed project is to develop distributed inverter controllers which provide a low-resistance path from the current inertia-dominated grid paradigm to a future grid paradigm dominated by low-inertia power systems with 100's of GWs of PV integration. | NREL | UC Santa Barbara, University of Minnesota, Arduino, SunPower, HECO, Schneider | $3.8M proposed over three years |
Vehicle Technologies Office
Project Name | Description | Lab | Partners | Funding |
Project 1: Vehicle to Building Integration Pathway | The Vehicle to Building Integration Pathway project will develop and demonstrate pre-normative methods needed to develop a standardized and interoperable communication pathway and control system architecture between Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PEVs), Electric Vehicle Support Equipment (EVSE) and Building/Campus Energy Management Systems (BEMSs) to enable the integration of clean variable renewable sources with workplace PEV charging infrastructure to promote greater PEV adoption. This communications and control platform will provide access to real-time system monitoring information, establish an infrastructure to coordinate intelligent assets, manage energy consumption behind the meter, reduce peak demand charges resulting from vehicle charging, and potentially participate in energy and/or ancillary services markets. | ANL, INL, LBNL, NREL, PNNL | AeroVironment, Bonneville Power Administration, University of Delaware, DTE Energy | $3.4M over three years |
Project 2: Systems Research Supporting Standards and Interoperability | The objective of the proposed project is to address the considerable uncertainty regarding the degree to which PEVs can provide grid services and mutually benefit the electric utilities, PEV owners, and auto manufacturers. How can the potential benefits be unlocked without negative unintended consequences? This project will answer this question by leveraging capabilities of multiple national laboratories with vehicle/grid integration (VGI) to perform hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) studies that integrate communication and control system hardware with simulation and analysis activities. | ANL, INL, LBNL, NREL, ORNL, PNNL | Bonneville Power Administration, DTE Energy, Eversource, University of Delaware, Siemens, California Energy Commission, USDRIVE Grid Interaction Technical Team | $3.6M over three years |
Project 3: Modeling and Control Software to Support V2G Integration | Determining the feasibility of VGI by quantifying the potential value, cost, complexity, and risks in different implementations of VGI. Allocating available value among stakeholders and determining pathways for electrification of transportation to enable beneficial grid services such as mitigating renewables intermittency. | ANL, INL, NREL, LBNL, ORNL, PNNL | Bonneville Power Administration, California Energy Commission | $2.8M over three years |
Project 4: Diagnostic Security Modules for Electric Vehicles to Building Integration | The overall goal of this project is to develop a Diagnostic Security Module (DSM) framework for creating an end-to-end security architecture for the integration of modern Plug-in Electric Vehicle (PEV) with Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) and a BEMS. | INL, ANL, NREL, PNNL | University of Louisiana-Lafayette, ChargePoint, California Energy Commission | $1.65M over three years |
Wind and Water Power Technologies Office
Project Name | Description | Lab | Partners | Funding |
Project 1: Market and Reliability Opportunities for Wind on the Bulk Power System | This project aims to create a modeling framework that will model timescales from decades to seconds to help analyze the impact of wind generation on the power system while considering realistic market design and strategies. This framework will provide the ability to model the impacts of wind on the economics and reliability of the grid in a realistic market environment. Most integration studies have focused on modeling the physical characteristics of the grid, but market inefficiencies can hinder access to the physical flexibility that is available, as noted in the Wind Vision Roadmap. The inability of previous studies to consider these market impacts on system operations are a significant shortcoming of previous work in wind integration. In this study, we propose a framework that considers the market impacts on revenue sufficiency and therefore resource adequacy and system reliability. Without the ability to represent realistic markets in future models and studies, system operators and regulators will not be able to integrate wind generation efficiently, creating a more difficult and costly transition to a modern electric power system. | ANL, NREL | FERC, EPRI | $2.4M proposed over three years |
Project 2: WindView: An Open Platform for Wind Energy Forecast Visualization | This project aims at providing solutions to maintain situational awareness in the control room as more wind generation is integrated in power systems. The team proposes to develop an open visualization platform “WindView” that can simultaneously display wind forecast information with system power flows for the operators to better understand the operational aspects of the system as more wind energy is integrated. Industry-available and research-grade forecasting tools can be interfaced with WindView to display the wind energy forecasts through cognitive coarsened information representation, such as quantiles, bar graphs, and other representations identified by the industry partners. Through use of publicly-available map-based layout, such as Google Maps, the network information, such as power flows, generation dispatch, etc., will be displayed to avail the wide-area information. The design of WindView will be shaped by the most pressing needs of the industry through feedback and participation with industry partners. | ANL, NREL | Western Area Power Authority, University of Texas at Dallas, ERCOT, NYISO | $1.8M proposed over three years |
Project 3: Power System Reliable Integration Support to Achieve Large Amounts of Wind Power (PRISALA) | Policymakers and industry stakeholders do not have sufficient access to clear and unbiased information about the characteristics of variable generation. This results in the creation of artificial limits to wind energy deployment that hinder development of bulk power system standards and increase the cost of maintaining reliability. According to the DOE Wind Vision Roadmap, “There is an important role for stakeholders in helping to develop best practices in power system operation and design, as well as in designing both physical and institutional systems to support achieving the Wind Vision.” In this project, we will address key parts of the role identified in the Wind Vision by engaging with policy makers, regulators, international groups and regional planning and reliability organizations (RP&ROs) to deliver timely and objective information about wind energy. | NREL | UVIG | $1.5M proposed over three years |
Project 4: Providing Ramping Service with Wind to Enhance Power System Operational Flexibility | The aim of the proposed wind-friendly flexible ramping product is to transform a negative characteristic of wind power, specifically “ramping”, into an advantageous one. Through efficient management of wind ramps, a significant contribution to the reduction of integration costs of wind power can be obtained while simultaneously allowing the optimization of wind power as a ramping product in the market. Main project initiatives are: (i) Development of a probabilistic wind power ramp forecasting method to characterize and forecast ramps from a utility-scale perspective; (ii) Analysis and synthesis of ramping products specific to the proposed test system(s), allowing guidelines and recommendations to be derived with respect to spatiotemporal impacts and other case-specific considerations; (iii) Design of flexible ramping products which can be implemented in a new market model to co-optimize energy, reserve and ramping.; (iv) Validate the benefits of incorporating wind ramp forecasts and improved management of wind power dispatch, and demonstrate potential economic and reliability benefits; (v) Continue to develop the “GridLAB-ISO” tool and integrate the proposed ramping product model into it; use “GridLAB-ISO” to simulate an actual ISO system, and (vi) Create awareness of the benefits of flexible ramping products for the enhanced integration of wind energy, sharing methodologies and lessons learned with industry. | NREL | EPRI, University of Texas at Dallas, MISO, ERCOT | $1.5M proposed over three years |
Project 5: Understanding the Role of Short-Term Energy Storage and Large Motor Loads for Active Power Controls by Wind Power | The goal of this effort is to develop and test coordinated controls of active power by wind generation, short term energy storage, and large industrial motor drives for providing various types of ancillary services to the grid and minimizing loading impacts and thereby reducing operation and maintenance costs (O&M) and subsequently the cost of energy (COE) generated by wind power. This work will utilize the $30M multi-year DOE investments and unique characteristics of NREL’s existing NWTC test site including a combination of multi-MW utility scale wind turbine generators, variable-frequency motor drives (VFD), new 8 MW energy storage testing facility, 1 MW solar PV array, and 7 MVA Controllable Grid Interface (CGI). This combination of technologies allows for the optimization, testing and demonstration of various types of active power controls (APC) by wind power in coordination with other generation sources (including regenerative loads) and energy storage that allows enhancing or, in some cases, substituting the APC services by wind power and reducing impacts on wind turbine component life and thus increasing the availability and reliability of the power supply from wind. | INL, NREL | Clemson University, GE Energy Consulting | $1.72M proposed over three years |
Project 6: Operational and Strategic Implementation of Dynamic Line Rating for Optimized Wind Energy Generation integration | Idaho National Lab's concurrent cooling–Dynamic Line Rating (DLR) is an example of additional data that needs to be effectively integrated into control rooms. The DLR project supports the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (DOE-EERE) mission to provide high-impact research, development, and demonstration to make clean energy as affordable and convenient as traditional forms of energy by establishing a means to increase the integration of renewable energy generation with the associated increase in transmission line capacity, which are traditionally limited by conductor thermal capacity and can be significantly underutilized. These projects take a science-based approach to advance line rating standards through an innovative methodology. These projects also develop various technology improvements utilizing dynamic, real-time environmental conditions measured and modeled using computational fluid dynamics, leading to average line capacity improvements of 10–40% above static ratings. The weather station data and ampacity calculation comprise an additional layer of data. Utilities would like to utilize this new capacity to enable additional power flow when the need to transmit power coincides with conducive meteorological conditions (concurrent cooling). Conveying the information to allow the operator to make an informed decision based on this additional information is important to more effective utilization of the transmission asset. Even more important is the timely notification when conditions change in a negative direction as the extra capacity is actively being used. | INL | Idaho Power Company, WinSim, Altalink, Alberta Electric System Operator, StormGEO, Stantec | $2.35M proposed over three years |
Project 7: Pan North American Renewable Integration Study (PARIS) | The Pan North American Renewable Integration Study will address a major shortcoming in previous studies that only analyze high penetrations of renewables in one country. High penetrations of wind, solar, and hydro in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico could have substantial impacts on the design and operation of the power grids of each country, and analysis will be necessary to determine the potential operational impacts and the benefits of coordinated planning and operation between the three countries. PARIS will be the single largest renewable integration study ever undertaken. | NREL | Natural Resources Canada, SENER | $1.8M proposed over three years |
Advanced Grid Modeling
Project Name | Description | Lab | Partners | Funding |
Project 1: Open-Source High-Fidelity Aggregate Composite Load Models of Emerging Load Behaviors for Large-Scale Analysis | This work proposes to develop a set of regional–level, scalable open source load models and tools, including large scale aggregate load protection, price responsive demand, advanced load composition data, and next generation load model data tools. The resulting improvements will significantly enhance the regional level power grid’s overall stability and reliability | PNNL, LBNL | WECC, MVWG, LMTF, Southern California Edison, BPA | $2.4M proposed over three years |
Project 2: Emergency Monitoring and Controls Through New Technologies and Analytics | Development a new generation of emergency control systems for the U.S. power grid based on a combination of new technologies, and new analytic capabilities related to recent progress in the power system reliability assessment translated into new real-time algorithms for voltage stability and transient stability. Compared to the existing configuration of the overall protection system, the proposed Coordinated Emergency Control System (CECS) will bring the following significant advantages: The CECS system will operate in real time, while its setting will be selected in near real time, will dynamically coordinate settings of the existing hierarchical protection from Zone 1 protection to SPS protection and involve additional control actions to the overall design, CECS system will adapt to changing system configuration and parameters, and the system will be more online and data-driven, and not just post event-analysis driven it will rely on new analytics. | LANL | ISO-NE | $3M proposed over three years |
Project 3: Measurement-Based Hierarchical Framework for Time-Varying Stochastic Load Modeling | Leverage practical AMI, SCADA, PMU and laboratory experiment data to develop static, dynamic as well as customer behavior-driven and demand response-enabled load/DG models at component, customer, feeder and substation levels. The developed hierarchical load/DG models will facilitate the development of planning models and integrated transmission and distribution models (Topic 4). Successful completion of this project will deliver a set of load/DG models and commercially-available software tools (PSS/E, CYME, RTDS/OPAL-RT) with the developed models. | ANL | Iowa Energy Center, Siemens, Eaton, ComEd, Alliant Energy, MidAmerican Energy, ERCOT, PJM, City of Ames, Cedar Falls Utilities, Iowa State University, ISU's Electric Power Research Center | $2.7M proposed over three years |
Project 4: Protection and Dynamic Modeling, Simulation, Analysis, and Visualization of Cascading Failures | Develop and validate a dynamics and protection simulation platform to enable utility planning, operations, and protection engineers to better understand and mitigate cascading blackouts involving protection. To realize this goal, the team will build upon the capabilities of ‘TS3ph’, a dynamics simulator developed through the DOE-OE AGMR funded project “High-fidelity ‘faster than real-time’ simulator for predicting power system dynamic behavior.” The project will focus on advancing the modeling, simulation, analysis, and visualization capabilities of TS3ph-CAPE through the following innovation pathways: Fill current industry modeling gaps, accelerate dynamics simulation, develop new analysis metrics, create new situational awareness capabilities, and validate and verify the developed dynamics simulator with standard industry tools, and observed data. | ANL | Illinois Institute of Technology, Electrocon International Inc., McCoy Energy, Iowa State University, ComEd, AltaLink, SPP | $2.48M proposed over three years |
Advanced Distribution Management Systems
Project Name | Description | Lab | Partners | Funding |
Project 1: Development of an Open-Source Platform for Advanced Distribution Management Systems | An initial version of an open source integrated software platform for varying vendor systems will be developed which supports the full suite of distribution management applications (such as voltage and reactive power optimization; fault location, isolation, and service restoration; economic dispatches; and optimization routines). This integrated platform, based on specifications and requirements to be developed jointly with utilities, will allow information to flow between individual applications across the entire utility enterprise, enabling enhanced visibility and controllability of system assets. Development and evaluation of the ADMS platform will be conducted in a utility-centric environment, involving qualified system operators from distribution utilities of varying sizes, to ensure that the capabilities being developed are applicable to the largest possible cross section of utilities. Investments leveraging the increased types and volume of available system data, due to a recent surge in advanced technology deployments, will also be explored to develop new applications. These new applications will greatly enhance observability and controllability required to integrate large amounts of renewables in a safe and effective manner, utilize assets more efficiently during restorations, enable much wider range of choices for consumers, and maintain affordable electricity rates. | PNNL, NREL | Washington State University, Incremental Systems, Modern Grid Solutions | $13.5M proposed over 3 years |
Project 2: Development of an Open-Source Platform for Advanced Distribution Management Systems | The aim of this project is to develop a modular, hierarchical ADMS application that engages DERs to (1) regulate network constraints and optimize distribution-level objectives such as resistive losses, nodal voltage magnitudes, and customer costs and (2) provide transmission-level services to improve bulk grid reliability and facilitate renewables integration through increased grid flexibility. | LBNL | Riverside Public Utility, Smarter Grid Solutions | $3.25M proposed over 3 years |
Project 3: Advanced Distribution Management System Testbed Development | This project will establish a national, vendor-neutral Advanced Distribution Management System testbed to accelerate industry development and adoption of ADMS capabilities for the next decade and beyond. The testbed will enable utility partners, vendors, and researchers to evaluate existing and future ADMS use cases in a test setting that provides a realistic combination of multiple utility management systems and field equipment. The testbed will allow utilities and vendors alike to evaluate: (1) the impacts of ADMS functions on system operations; (2) interoperability among ADMS system components; (3) interactions with hardware devices; (4) integration challenges of ADMS with legacy systems; and (5) ADMS vulnerability and resiliency. The testbed will provide a less expensive and lower risk alternative to a pilot deployment, plus the ability to simulate contingency scenarios that are not practical to test using a real distribution system. | NREL, PNNL, ANL | EPRI, ALSTOM Grid Inc., Schneider Electric, Opal-RT Technologies | $4.5M proposed over 3 years |
Energy Systems Risk and Predictive Capabilities
Project Name | Description | Lab | Partners | Funding |
Project 1: Improved Forecasts of Electric Outages from Tropical Cyclones | Improve forecasts of electric outages for tropical cyclone events affecting U.S. territory in the Caribbean, Atlantic seaboard, and Gulf of Mexico regions. The project is intended to design a web-based tool that would forecast potential electric distribution outages from tropical cyclones on a county block level and to identify energy system infrastructure at-risk. | ANL | Meade Electric, Georgia Power/ Southern Company | $0.8M proposed over two years |
Project 2: Recommendations for the Population, Location, and Operation of a Strategic Transformer Reserve | This project will investigate the potential of a Federal strategic reserve, proposed in H.R.2244, to provide spare transformers in times of extreme events by determining the number and assortment of spare transformers required to recover from extreme events in a timely manner, optimal number and location of storage facilities, transportation logistics, and recommendations for withdrawal practices. | ORNL, SNL | University of Tennessee-Knoxville, EPRI, SNL, Dominion Virginia Power Industry | $1.3M proposed over 1 year |
Project 3: Web Tool for Improved Electric Outage Forecasting for Response to Tropical Cyclone Events | Develop and deploy an online software tool available to the DOE Emergency Operations Center (EOC) analysts that enables them to make repeatable predictions of electrical outages caused by imminent or synthetic tropical cyclones at a spatial resolution of 250m X 250m with quantified uncertainty. The online software tool will also identify critical infrastructure at risk from direct cyclone impacts and secondary impacts from electric power outages. | LANL | University of Michigan, Texas A&M | $0.7M proposed over two years |
Energy Storage
Project Name | Description | Lab | Partners | Funding |
Project 1: Energy Storage Demonstrations - Validation and Operational Optimization | Collaborate with states, utilities, and storage providers to help elucidate storage benefits and integration challenges. Specifically, work with four demonstration projects that cover a wide range of promising technologies and applications: Green Mountain Power (VT), Salem Smart Grid Center (OR), Electric Power Board (EPB) of Chattanooga (TN), and Los Alamos County (NM). The outcome will be analysis that identifies the value streams for each potential application, as well as operational modes and control strategic for the optimal utilization of the energy storage system to maximize the value streams. | SNL, PNNL, ORNL | $2.5M proposed over two years | |
Project 2: Collaborative Demo for Secondary Use and Use Case Validation | Develop and examine the business case for a residential based deployment of secondary use energy storage, deploy and commission a secondary use energy storage system to bring industry acceptance and validation of the business case, drive the future of secondary use energy storage systems with advanced supporting control algorithms, and disseminate information to stakeholders. | ORNL | Spiers New Technologies, Habitat for Humanity, Central Carolina Community College | $1.2M proposed over three years |
Smart Grid
Project Name | Description | Lab | Partners | Funding |
Project 1: LPNORM: A LANL, PNNL, and NRECA Optimal Resiliency Model | Develop and deliver a software tool called LPNORM for designing resilient distribution grids to support meeting the MYPP goal and DOE major outcome of a "10% reduction in the economic costs of power outages by 2025." This tool is a novel combination of existing and new capabilities. LPNORM will allow users to import distribution and communication models, specify extreme weather events, specify resiliency criteria, and verify design solution quality with trusted power flow solvers. | LANL, PNNL | NRECA, University of Michigan | $1.8M proposed over three years |
Project 2: A Closed-Loop Distribution System Restoration Tool for Natural Disaster Recovery | Develop a distribution restoration decision support tool that will assist utilities in performing distribution restoration after extreme weather events in an optimal and efficient manner. The tool will integrate the weather information/forecasts and system fragility assessment together with the field measurement data for improved situational awareness and system damage estimates, employ advanced optimization models for dispatch of repair crews and associated resources, and utilize distribution automation to reconfigure distribution grids and pick up loads promptly to reduce the outage sizes and durations. The closed-loop feature of the proposed tool will make the tool adaptive to the evolving weather events and varying restoration capabilities. | ANL, BNL | Iowa State University | $1.95M proposed over three years |
Transmission Reliability
Project Name | Description | Lab | Partners | Funding |
Project 1: Discovery Through Situational Awareness (DTSA) | Produce a prototypical, interactive situational-awareness tool to provide data visualizations and identify anomalous grid behavior, allowing the user to explore any of the data. The research will look for precursors to unusual grid behavior and then apply machine-learning algorithms to help understand what happens around these unusual grid behaviors. Interactions with our industry partners will help fine-tune these algorithms. This project will advance the state-of-the-art and provide insights that can benefit the industry | PNNL | MISO Energy, ISO New England, PJM, NYISO | $0.67M proposed over one year |
Project 2: Suite of Open-Source Applications and Models for Advanced Synchrophasor Analysis | Research to develop a suite of software applications and libraries of phasor measurement units (PMUs) and synchrophasor data for power system planning, modeling, and analysis. The research and software development activities will be coordinated with industry partners and universities. All applications will be based on the common open platform concept, have a common data format structure, and be released under an open-source license. This work will address oscillation detection, frequency response, model validation and calibration, equipment misoperations, and other important power-grid-related issues. | PNNL, LBNL | LBNL, BPA, WECC, JSIS, MVWG, NERC Resources Subcommittee, University of Wyoming, Binghamton University, Montana Tech, University of Wisconsin-Madison | $0.6M proposed over one year |
Project 3: HVDC and Load Modulation for Improved Dynamic Response Using Phasor Measurements | Investigate ways to use the information available from phasor measurement units (PMU), and the widespread availability of controllable loads, to design a novel control strategy for inter-area damping. The first part of the proposed work will develop a decoupled modulation control approach to design a more effective damping control with less interference among different oscillation modes in the system. The second explores how HVDC networks and a sufficient proportion of the loads could be used to enhance the decoupled modulation control approach developed in the first part. Methods to enhance measurement redundancy and control in case of PMU communication failure will also be developed. | PNNL, SNL | Arizona State University, Pennsylvania State University, BPA | $0.7M proposed over one year |
Project 4: Advanced Machine Learning for Synchrophasor Technology | Develop a suite of new Grid-Modeling aware Machine Learning (ML) tools to monitor the transmission grid during its normal operations (task 1) and also localize significant frequency events in seconds after they occur (task 2). They will utilizes (a) advanced optimization and computation methods and algorithms for ML and data analytics; (b) the state-of-the-art, industry-grade frequency monitoring software; (c) phasor measurement unit (PMU) measurements at the transmission level; (d) aggregated micro-synchrophasors (uPMU) measurements at the distribution level; and (e) modern map-visualization tools and approaches. They will build new ML software to provide situational awareness, computational, and map-visualization extensions of the PNNL & BPA Power Plant Model Validation (PPMV) software. | LANL | BPA, JSIS, OPE Energy Corporation, Riverside Public Utilities | $3M proposed over three years |
Transformer Resilience and Advanced Components
Project Name | Description | Lab | Partners | Funding |
Project 1: Models and Methods for Assessing the Value of HVDC and MVDC Technologies in Modern Power Grids | This project will concentrate on exploring scenarios and use cases, including multi-objective DC system modulation/control strategies for providing artificial inertia to the system and simultaneously to provide an optimal redistribution of power flows in the AC system to accommodate additional flows from renewables in a reliable and economical fashion. The key element in the approach is to maximize the value of DC technologies by exploiting their advantages in a coordinated fashion. | PNNL, ORNL | MISO, SPP, Entergy, Siemens | $0.8M proposed over one year |
Project 2: Advanced Modeling of Land-Based and Subsea HVDC/MVDC Transmission System | The focus of this proposed effort is to develop a comprehensive set of transient and dynamic models for HVDC/MVDC transmission topologies, and hybrid simulation interfaces that can be used for stability and reliability analysis of DC-transmission dominated power systems with high levels of variable renewable generation. The availability of such models will enable the research community to investigate the impacts of control characteristics of HVDC/MVDC systems and address the challenges listed under several GMLC Foundational Topics. | NREL, LLNL, SNL | EPRI | $2.7M proposed over three years |
Project 3: High Voltage Testing and Modeling of Transformer, Line Interface Devices, and System Components Under Electromagnetic Pulse, Geomagnetic Disturbance, and Other Abnormal Transients | This project consists of both the modeling and testing efforts that will help understand physics behind how GMD and EMP impact key components such as transformers in power grid and what damages they may cause. The first year will focus on the analytical and numerical modeling of the physics behind the GMD/EMP’s impacts to power grid components. The second year will focus on the testing-based study of the mechanism of insulation failure under short-duration EMP transients. And the third year will focus on the testing-based analysis of the multi-physics coupling of transformers under long duration transients (EMP E3 and GMD). | ORNL, LLNL | EPRI, Dominion, University of Tennessee, University of Wisconsin | $2.2M proposed over three years |
Cybersecurity for Energy Delivery Systems
Project Name | Description | Lab | Partners | Funding |
Project 1: MultiSpeak® - Secure Protocol Enterprise Access Kit (MS-SPEAK) | The objective of this project is to fill a gap and make the grid “smarter” (i.e. more intelligent and resilient) through the creation of an innovative ESB+ (enterprise service bus) for MultiSpeak. The ESB+ will support increased interoperability and security of the MultiSpeak standard and reduce costs in utilities that depend on MultiSpeak. ESB+ will include a number of game changing advances. | PNNL | NRTC, NRECA | $1.65M proposed over three years |
Project 2: Cybersecurity for Renewables, Distributed Energy Resources, and Smart Inverters | The objective of this project is to develop a holistic attack-resilient architecture and layered cyber-physical solution portfolio to protect the critical power grid infrastructure and the integrated distributed energy resources (DER) from malicious cyber-attacks. The project will help ensure the large-scale and secure integration of DER to the power without harming the grid reliability and stability. | ANL | WSU, EPRI | $1.8M proposed over three years |
Note: funding amounts listed above are subject to appropriations and to final negotiations with award recipients.
Award Recipients
Acronym | Full Name | Location |
ANL | Argonne National Laboratory | Argonne, IL |
BNL | Brookhaven National Laboratory | Upton, NY |
LBNL | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | Berkeley, CA |
LLNL | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | Livermore, CA |
NREL | National Renewable Energy Laboratory | Golden, CO |
PNNL | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | Richland, WA |
SNL | Sandia National Laboratory | Albuquerque, NM |
LANL | Los Alamos National Laboratory | Los Alamos, NM |
SLAC | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory | Menlo Park, CA |
INL | Idaho National Laboratory | Idaho Falls, ID |
SRNL | Savannah River National Laboratory | Aiken, SC |
ORNL | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Oak Ridge, TN |
NETL | National Energy Technology Laboratory | Pittsburgh, PA |
NBL | New Brunswick Laboratory | Argonne, IL |