Fusion energy is a potential source of on-demand, safe, and abundant energy with zero carbon emissions. Building on many decades of investment in fusion science and technology, the Department of Energy (DOE) is excited to release this fusion energy strategy in support of the White House’s Bold Decadal Vision for Commercial Fusion Energy. Our strategy aims to accelerate the viability of commercial fusion energy in partnership with the private sector.
The strategy has three pillars:
Resolving the scientific and technological gaps to a fusion pilot plant
- To accelerate progress in research and development, we’re aligning fusion-related efforts across government, academia, public, and private sectors.
- We’re building a roadmap that outlines the “how” and “when” to close critical gaps, and listening to our communities’ concerns with fusion energy so we can address them early.
Paving the way for commercial fusion deployment
- To prepare for fusion as a viable clean energy source, we must consider broader activities and specific commercialization risks now, so that they can be tackled while we resolve the remaining science and technology challenges.
- A multidisciplinary team across DOE is already working to expand capital flow via public-private partnerships, ensure availability of fuel supplies, consider an appropriate international fusion-nonproliferation framework, and enable effective waste-management pathways.
Cultivating and expanding partnerships
- We know that broad partnerships are needed and have the power to turn DOE science and engineering research into real, commercial solutions.
- From federal and state agencies, to academic, private, nonprofit, and international partners, working together will encourage innovation and enable faster progress in support of the development of a competitive U.S. fusion industry.
You can read the official DOE Fusion Energy Strategy 2024 in its entirety.
Together, we’re working towards safe, clean, and abundant energy for all.