Current Opportunities Related to Water-Energy

Below are links to Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) and Requests for Information (RFIs) listed related to water-energy. On each web page is a detailed description of the opportunity. 

Support of Fossil Energy Research at U.S. Colleges and University - Febuary 17, 2017 deadline

The National Energy Technology Laboratory released a FOA on sensors for continuous H20 quality monitoring. Primary applicants must be universities that meet eligibility criteria. There is one topic on continuous water monitoring (any university), and there is a second topic on improving water usage at existing power plants (universities with restricted eligibility). 

U.S.-Israel Integrated Energy and Desalination Design Challenge Lab Call - July 6, 2016 deadline

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and Israel’s Ministry of National Infrastructure, Energy and Water Resources (MIEW) are encouraging leading engineers in the U.S. and Israel to design a novel integrated energy and desalinization system that could be suitable for both countries. The U.S.-Israel Integrated Energy and Desalination Design Challenge will give U.S. and Israeli experts the opportunity to learn from each other on desalination and associated system design issues, while also stimulating innovative thinking on next-generation systems.

Regional and Global Climate Modeling and Integrated Assessment Research: An Integration Framework for Multi-Model, U.S. Regional Climate Evaluation - April 18, 2016 deadline

The Office of Biological and Environmental Research has issued solicitation looking to enhance the predictive understanding and modeling of climate variability and change by advancing capabilities to design, evaluate, diagnose, and analyze global and regional earth system model simulations informed by observavation. The research looks to incorporate local human influences for research at the energy-water-land nexus.

Renewable Energy and Efficient Energy Projects Loan Guarantee Solicitation  - December 30, 2015 Deadline

The Loan Programs Office (LPO) has issued a Renewable Energy and Efficient Energy Projects Solicitation, which would make as much as $4 billion in loan guarantees available to support innovative, renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in the U.S. that reduce, avoid, or sequester greenhouse gases. The solicitation is intended to support renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies that are catalytic, replicable, and market ready.

Advanced Fossil Energy Projects Loan Guarantee Solicitation - December 30, 2015 Deadline

The Loan Programs Office (LPO) has issued the Advanced Fossil Energy Projects Solicitation, which makes up to $8 billion in loan guarantees available to support innovative, advanced fossil energy projects in the U.S. that reduce, avoid, or sequester greenhouse gases. Eligible projects can utilize any fossil fuel and may come from across the spectrum of production and use, including resource development, energy generation, and end use.

U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center: Energy and Water - May 4, 2015 Deadline

DOE has issued a funding opportunity announcement (FOA) for a new technical track under the U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center (CERC) that addresses priority R&D areas at the energy-water nexus. The solicitation calls for the formation of a U.S-based consortium to work with Chinese counterparts to bolster collaborative efforts to help ensure energy, water, and environmental security and combat climate change.   The topics solicited in the FOA build on the contents of The Water-Energy Nexus: Challenge and Opportunities, which DOE issued in June 2014.

Transitional Technology Development to Enable Highly Efficient Power Systems with Carbon Management - March 30, 2015 Deadline

The Office of Fossil Energy and the National Energy Technology Laboratory have release a FOA looking at transitional technology development to enable highly efficient power systems with carbon management. The fifth topic of this FOA is related to the water-energy nexus.

State Energy Program 2015 FOA – March 31, 2015 Deadline

The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's (EERE's) State Energy Program seeks applications for Fiscal Year 2015 Competitive Financial Assistance Awards. States can compete for funding in the areas of (1) state energy planning and (2) opportunities for innovative energy efficiency and renewable energy practices, which includes a focus on practices in wastewater and water facilities (pg. 42 of FOA).

Bioenergy Technologies Office Landscape Design for Sustainable Bioenergy Systems FOA - January 26, 2015 Deadline

seeking interdisciplinary projects that apply landscape design approaches to integrate cellulosic feedstock production into existing agricultural and forestry systems while maintaining or enhancing environmental and socio-economic sustainability including ecosystem services and food, feed, and fiber production. For the purposes of this FOA, cellulosic feedstock production refers to dedicated annual and perennial energy crops, use of agricultural and forestry residues, or a combination of these options.

National Energy Technology Lab SBIR Phase I Release 2 - December 15, 2014 Deadline

The water-energy related topic is 'Integrated sensors for Water' found in section 20(b) on page 72. The research aims to develop sensors that are inexpensive, self-powered, rapidly deployable, robus, and wireless to facilitate the collection of reliable, real-time, measurement based water data. FOA information can be found HERE

Building Technologies Office BENEFIT FOA - November 10, 2014 Deadline

In October, the Building Technologies Office (BTO) issued their 2015 Building Energy Efficiency Frontiers & Incubator Technologies (BENEFIT) funding opportunity announcement (FOA). This year, BTO included water consumption as a metric. The title of links to the FOA.

ARPA-E ARID solicitation - 5:00pm November 10, 2014 Deadline

This program seeks to fund transformative new power plant cooling technologies that enable high thermal-to-electric energy conversion efficiency with zero net water dissipation to the atmosphere.  Of particular interest to this program are technologies that incorporate air cooling, sorption-based cooling, multimode (convection/radiant) cooling, large capacity cool storage, or any other innovative heat rejection technology that addresses the programmatic goals.