Congressional Testimony

Testimony of Dr. Kathryn Huff, Assistant Secretary (NE) and Kelly Speakes-Backman, PDAS (EERE) on to consider the following pending legislation: S. 3145; S. 3543; S. 3719; S. 3740; S. 3769; S. 3856; S. 4038; S. 4061; S. 4066 and S. 4280 - July 28, 2022
Testimony of Jeremiah Baumann, Chief of Staff, Office of Infrastructure on Investing in Native Communities: Transformative Opportunities in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act - June 28, 2022
Testimony of Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm and Under Secretary Jill Hruby (NNSA) on DOE and NNSA atomic energy defense activities in review of the Defense Authorization Request for FY 2023 and the Future Years Defense Program - May 19, 2022