Critical Materials Project Search

Through the Critical Materials Program, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) coordinates research, development, demonstration, and deployment projects funded through multiple offices aimed at achieving DOE’s vision to build secure, domestic critical mineral and material (CMM) supply chains to support the clean energy transition while creating a just and sustainable future.

Awardees include national laboratories, universities, nonprofit organizations, and private companies managed by multiple DOE offices. DOE adheres to an objective and competitive review process to ensure unbiased and fair selections for funding and resources.

The database includes projects that were active as of August 2024. The data comes from internal collection through the CMM Crosscut Team at DOE. These data are subject to change and are for general informational purposes only. DOE does not guarantee that the data are complete or free of error.

  • AMMTO: Advanced Materials & Manufacturing Technologies Office 
    BES: Basic Energy Sciences 
    EERE: Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy 
    FECM: Office of Fossil Energy & Carbon Management 
    GTO: Geothermal Technologies Office 
    HFTO: Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office
    LPO: Loan Programs Office
    MESC: Office of Manufacturing & Energy Supply Chains
    MSD: Minerals Sustainability Division 
    NE: Office of Nuclear Energy
    NETL: National Energy Technology Laboratory 
    R&D: Research & Development 
    SBIR: Small Business Innovation Research  
    SETO: Solar Energy Technologies Office
    S&T: Science & Technology  
    SC: Office of Science 
    VTO: Vehicle Technologies Office 
    WETO: Wind Energy Technologies Office 
    WPTO: Water Power Technologies Office