DOE Privacy Act program staff are experiencing significant delays in receiving and processing Privacy Act requests sent by regular mail or fax. We ask that Privacy Act requesters submit their request forms electronically, if possible. Mailed or faxed submissions are still accepted but responses will be delayed. Please encrypt your request form using Entrust or password protect your form (instructions on how to password protect Adobe PDF files) prior to sending your request to [email protected]. Please contact the DOE Privacy Act program office at [email protected] if you have questions about the Privacy Act request form.
Individuals, or their authorized representatives, may request access to records about themselves held by DOE. Individuals may also use the Privacy Act compliant process to request the correction of their information maintained in a DOE System of Record.
Individuals should submit a Privacy Act request by completing a Privacy Act Request Form.
If you chose not to use the Privacy Act Request Form, you will need to submit a written request that includes the following information:
- Name, address, date of birth, social security number, employee identification number (if any), and signature
- Type of record requested
- Brief description of the nature, time, place, and circumstances of your association with DOE
- Other information that would assist DOE to determine if the requested information exists in our records
- Name of person(s) authorized to access your records (if any)
Completion of the Privacy Act Request Form, including providing copies of identification, is voluntary. However, declining to provide the requested information may delay or increase of DOE’s difficulty of locating records responsive to your request.
Establishing Valid Identification of the Requesting Individual:
You, or your authorized representative, will be asked to provide two (2) forms of identification, with your submitted request.
Pursuant to 10 CFR, § 1008.4 (b) (1) and (b) (2), an individual making a request may establish identity by:
- Including with the request, if submitted by mail, a photocopy of two identifying documents bearing name and signature, one of which shall bear current home or business address and date of birth and one of which must include your photograph.
- Appearing at the appropriate DOE Headquarters of Field location during business hours and presenting either of the following:
- One identifying document bearing the individual’s full name, photograph, and signature; or
- Two identifying documents bearing the individual’s full name and signature, one of which shall bear their current home or business address and date of birth.
- If the individual making the request is unable to produce satisfactory evidence of identity, the individual making the request may be required by the Privacy Act Officer to submit a notarized statement attesting to his identity and his understanding of the criminal penalties provided under section 1001 of title 18 of the United States Code for making false statements to a Government agency and under subsection (i) (3) of the Act for obtaining records under false pretenses.
Ways to Submit a Privacy Act Request
- By Mail: The U.S. Department of Energy, Privacy Act Request Office, G-302/GTN, 19901 Germantown Road, Germantown, M.D. 20874; or
- By Fax: 301-903-7738 Attn: Privacy Act Request
- By Email: [email protected];
- At a DOE Field Location: Individuals may make arrangements with the appropriate Privacy Act Officer to submit a Privacy Act request at a Field Office or National Lab location. Contact information for local Privacy Act Officers may be accessed here.
Privacy Act Appeals
If a submitted Privacy Act request is denied for release, you have the right to appeal.
The Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, and the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552a, contain the principles under which executive agencies make information accessible to the public while also protecting privacy rights. The Department of Energy's FOIA and Privacy Act regulations, 10 C.F.R. Parts 1004 and 1008, respectively, state that individuals may request information from the Department of Energy (and in some instances make corrections to that information).
DOE Privacy Program Guidance and Templates
DOE Privacy Act System of Records Notices
DOE Privacy Impact Assessments
DOE Privacy Governance Bodies
DOE-Wide Privacy Initiatives
Federal Privacy Council Resources