Women in CESER Spotlight: Kate Marks

Kate Marks, Deputy Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response (CESER)

Headshot of Kate Marks

What is your most important career accomplishment, and why?

Last month, I started detail as Deputy Assistant Secretary for CESER’s Infrastructure Security and Energy Restoration (ISER) Division. I’ve been working with ISER since 2002, when I was just starting my energy career at the National Association of State Energy Officials. It’s a very exciting time for DOE, and I’m looking forward to working with leadership to meet the new Administration’s priorities. 

What do you hope to accomplish in your career? Why?

I want to contribute to a comprehensive climate and energy policy for the United States.

What is an example of an amazing opportunity in your STEM career?

Throughout my career, I’ve had the opportunity to travel to nearly every state across the country to testify before state legislative committees. I’ve also engaged with hundreds of government and industry officials to tackle the complex issues facing the energy sector.