Through the Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response (CESER), the U.S. Department of Energy addresses the emerging threats of tomorrow while protecting the reliable flow of energy to Americans today by improving energy infrastructure security.
The Department of Energy is the Sector Risk Management Agency (SRMA) for the Energy Sector and CESER carries out the SRMA function for the department. SRMAs serve as day-to-day Federal interfaces for their designated critical infrastructure sector and conduct sector-specific risk management and resilience activities. To fulfill this function, CESER has built a broad network of partnerships, information exchanges, and coordination throughout the Energy Sector.
A critical part of this work is our sector engagement with State, Local, Tribal and Territory (SLTT) officials and our industry partners.
Working with Industry Partners Through the Subsector Coordinating Councils
Notably, more than 80 percent of energy infrastructure is owned by the private sector that fuels the transportation industry, powers households and businesses, and distributes other energy sources that drive the economy. DOE CESER, designated by the Secretary as the Energy Sector Risk Management Agency (Energy SRMA), cooperates with our partners in the electricity, oil, and natural gas industries through the industry-led electricity and oil and natural gas subsector coordinating councils.
The Electricity Subsector Coordinating Council (ESCC) serves as the principal liaison between leadership in the federal government and in the electric power sector to coordinate efforts to prepare for national-level incidents or threats to critical infrastructure. The ESCC facilitates and supports policy and public affairs related activities and initiatives designed to enhance the reliability and resilience of the electric grid. These activities include all hazards, steady-state preparation, and emergency preparedness, response, and recovery for the nation’s electricity sector.
The Oil and Natural Gas Subsector Coordinating Council (ONG SCC) represents the private sector interests of the oil and natural gas industry in the public-private partnership. It provides a forum to coordinate oil and natural gas security strategies, activities, policy, and communication across the sector to support the nation’s homeland security mission.
Both councils meet in-person typically 2-3 times a year, in addition to regular coordination calls and active working group activities to discuss and action sector priorities.
Supporting Preparedness and Response Efforts on the State and Local Level
CESER works closely with State and local governments on preparedness and response efforts. The office maintains strong relationships with state and local communities to build capacity through technical assistance, development of tools, risk analysis, education, and exercises to facilitate response in times of energy sector emergencies. CESER supports these efforts through partnerships with the American Public Power Association (APPA), National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO), National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC), National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), National Emergency Management Association (NEMA), and National Governors Association (NGA).
By encouraging energy security planning that is risk-based, operationally-focused, and cross-jurisdictional, CESER builds the SLTT capacity to serve national security interests for cybersecurity, energy security, and emergency response. The office also provides enhanced government and private sector decision making through shared understanding of risks and hazards and facilitate relationships within and across state, local, tribal, territorial governments and agencies.
Supplemental Materials
Electricity Subsector Coordinating Council
Oil and Natural Gas Subsector Coordinating Council
SLTT Program: State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial (SLTT) Program | Department of Energy
SLTT Program Resource Library: SLTT Program Resource Library | Department of Energy
Emergency Response Hub: Updates on disasters like hurricanes, wildfires, etc.
APPA Physical and Cybersecurity Page: Physical and Cybersecurity | American Public Power Association
NASEO Energy Security Page: Energy Security | NASEO
NARUC Center for Partnerships & Innovation: CPI Home - NARUC
NCSL State Energy Security Legislative Resources: State Energy Security Legislative Resources
NEMA DOE CESER Hub: U.S. Department of Energy/CESER - National Emergency Management Association
NGA Energy Resource Center: Energy Resource Center - National Governors Association