The Energy Emergency Assurance Coordinators (EEAC) Program is a cooperative effort between DOE’s Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response (CESER), the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO), the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC), the National Governors Association (NGA), and the National Emergency Management Association (NEMA). The purpose of the EEAC Program is to enable bi-directional communication and information sharing prior to and during energy disruptions and emergencies.
States designate government representatives to be Energy Emergency Assurance Coordinators. Typically these individuals are from state energy offices, public utility commissions, emergency management agencies, or governors’ offices and hold responsibilities for Emergency Support Function #12 – Energy (ESF #12), energy emergency response, steady-state monitoring of the energy sector and/or are subject matter experts on electricity, natural gas, petroleum, etc.
Energy Emergency Assurance Coordinators are the points of contact with whom DOE and other state officials share information during events that disrupt energy supplies or to communicate important notices. States are responsible for maintaining and updating EEAC contacts through ISERnet. To register for an account or update state contacts, please click here.
- Username should be your first initial and (partial) last name – there is a limit of eight characters.
- Briefly note your role and if you are an ESF #12 responder in the comments section.
- Once your account is approved, your email will be added to the appropriate listserv for your FEMA region.
Click here to access DOE's EEAC Program Drop-in for state energy security plans.