Emergency Response

The Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response (CESER) leads the Department of Energy’s emergency preparedness and coordinated response to disruptions to the energy sector, including physical and cyber-attacks, natural disasters, and human-caused events. CESER is the lead for Emergency Support Function #12 (ESF #12) under FEMA’s National Response Framework. ESF #12 supports government and private sector stakeholders in overcoming barriers and inherent challenges associated energy system restoration by:

  • Assisting energy asset owners and operators and SLTT partners–with the restoration of damaged energy systems
  • Coordinating with interagency partners to identify supporting resources to stabilize and reestablish energy systems
  • Facilitating legal and regulatory waivers to help restore damaged energy systems and ensure adequate supply
  • Providing technical expertise to assess damage to energy systems and assist with restoration, logistics, and longer-term recovery planning
  • Collecting, evaluating, and sharing energy sector information and visualizations to promote shared situational awareness and a common operating picture