DOE Announces $4 Million Lab Call for EMP/GMD Assessments, Testing, and Mitigation

DOE announces $4 million lab call for EMP/GMD Assessments, Testing, and Mitigation

Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response

March 1, 2021
minute read time

Department of Energy Announces $4 Million Lab Call for EMP/GMD Assessments, Testing, and Mitigation

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response (CESER) and the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) announced a $4 million Lab call today to address the risks of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and geomagnetic disturbance (GMD) to the energy system. NETL is seeking proposals from DOE Laboratories on three topic areas – modeling and assessments, testing and validation, and mitigation – to pilot enhancements to the energy sector’s information sharing capabilities and to identify security threats to energy companies across the nation.

With this funding announcement, CESER is seeking to advance capabilities and tools that can elevate the energy sector’s ability to mitigate or protect against EMP and GMD events. “The proposed solutions in these investments will emphasize the partnerships needed to optimize grid security and minimize events that could disrupt energy flow,” said Pat Hoffman, CESER’s Acting Assistant Secretary.

Since its inception, CESER has made notable progress through its strategic partnerships fostered across industry and in collaboration with other Federal agencies, academia, and DOE’s National Labs. These partnerships have helped advance preparedness and response to the growing landscape of threats, technology development, and energy system trends. 

Please note that only DOE National Laboratories are eligible to apply for funding under this opportunity.  Interested labs can apply here: For more information, please email [email protected].

  • Cybersecurity
  • Emergency Response
  • Energy Security
  • National Labs
  • Energy Demonstrations