Cybersecurity for Energy Delivery Systems 2016 Peer Review

The Cybersecurity for Energy Delivery Systems Peer Review was held December 7-9, 2016, allowing over 35 projects the opportunity to present the results of their work, provide lessons learned, and share best practices. A total of 21 projects participate...

Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response

February 1, 2017
minute read time

The 2016 Cybersecurity for Energy Delivery Systems (CEDS) Peer Review was held December 7-9, 2016, allowing over 35 projects the opportunity to present the results of their work, provide lessons learned, and share best practices. A total of 21 projects participated in the peer review process, where industry leaders served as reviewers and were provided time to ask questions following each presentation. The additional projects provided information sharing presentations and/or presented posters during the daily poster sessions. The program for the three-day Peer Review and the presentations made each day are available by clicking on the links below.

Day 1: December 7
  • Peer Review, Session I
    1. A Resilient Self-Healing Cyber Framework for Power Grid - Jianhui Wang, Argonne National Laboratory
    2. A Resilient and Trustworthy Cloud and Outsourcing Security Framework for Power Grid Applications - Jianhui Wang, Argonne National Laboratory
    3. Cybersecurity for Renewables, Distributed Energy Resources, and Smart Inverters - Jianhui Wang, Argonne National Laboratory
    4. Assess the Impact and Evaluate the Response to Cybersecurity Issues (AIERCI) - Meng Yue, Brookhaven National Laboratory
  • Peer Review, Session II
    1. Secure Policy Based Configuration Framework (PBCONF) - Glen Chason, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
  • Information Sharing, Session III
    1. Watchdog Project - Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories
    2. SDN Project - Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories
  • Peer Review, Session IV
    1. Cyber-Physical Modeling and Simulation for Situation Awareness (CYMSA) - Seth Walters, Dr. Sakis Meliopoulos, Dr. Santiago Grijalva, Dr. Raheem Beyah, Georgia Tech Research Institute 
    2. Validation and Measuring Automated Response (VMAR) Project - Robert Caliva, Rita Foster, Idaho National Library; Corey McClelland, San Diego Gas & Electric
  • Information Sharing, Session V
    1. Collaborative Defense of Transmission and Distribution Protection and Control Devices against Cyber Attacks (CODEF) - Reynaldo Nuqui, ABB
    2. ARMORE: Applied Resiliency for More Trustworthy Grid Operations - Russel Robertson, Grid Protection Alliance; Tim Yardley, University of Illinois
    3. Energy Sector Security Through a System for Intelligent Learning Letwork Configuration Management and Montioring (ESSENCE) - Robert Larmouth, Craig Miller, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
Day 2: December 8
  • Peer Review, Session VI
    1. Quantum Security Modules for the Power Grid - Raymond Newell, Alamos National Laboratory
    2. Supporting Cyber Security of Power Distribution Systems by Detecting Differences Between Real-time Micro-synchrophasor Measurements and Cyber-Reported SCADA - Sean Peisert, Chuck McParland, Anna Scaglione, Emma Stewart, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
    3. Timing Authentication Secured by Quantum Correlations (TASQC) - Phil Evans, Oak Ridge National Laboratories
    4. Cliques: CRL-less Revocation and Anonymous Authentication for the Smart Grid - Oak Ridge National Laboratories
    5. Safe Active Scanning for Energy Delivery Systems (SASEDS) - Jovana Helms, Peter Scheibel, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Matthias Engels, PNNL; Craig Reiger, INL
  • Peer Review, Session VII
    1. Automated Disruption Tolerant Key Management (ADTKM) - Paul Skare for Thomas Edgar, Pacific Northewst National Laboratory
    2. Improving Situation Assessment/Awareness for Utility Operators and Cybersecurity Professionals - Paul Skare for Eric Anderson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
    3. EDS Forensics - Assessing Energy Systems Using Live Analysis, a Toolkit Approach - Paul Skare for Lori Ross O'Neil, Theora Rice, Penny McKenzie, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
    4. Multispeak® Secure Protocol Enterprise Access Kit (MS-SPEAK) - Paul Skare for Will Hutton, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Peer Review, Session VIII
    1. Cybersecurity for Secure Evolveable Energy Delivery Systems (SEEDS) - H. Alan Mantooth, Qinghua Li, University of Arkansas
    2. Artificial Diversity and Defense Security (ADDSec) - Adrian R. Chavez, Sandia National Laboratory
Day 3: December 9
  • Peer Review, Session IX
    1. Secure SW Defined Radio - Henry Loehner, Scweitzer Engineering Laboratories
    2. Patch and Update Management Program for EDS - Foxguard Solutions
  • Peer Review, Session X
    1. Cyber Resilient Energy Delivery Consortium (CREDC) - David M. Nicol, Information Trust Institute, University of Illinois