The Cybersecurity for Energy Delivery Systems Peer Review was held August 5-7, 2014, allowing over 30 projects the opportunity to present the results of their work, provide lessons learned, and share best practices. A total of 30 projects participated ...
Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response
February 6, 2017The Cybersecurity for Energy Delivery Systems Peer Review was held August 5-7, 2014, allowing over 35 projects the opportunity to present the results of their work, provide lessons learned, and share best practices. A total of 30 projects participated in the peer review process, where industry leaders served as reviewers and were provided time to ask questions following each presentation. The additional projects provided information sharing presentations and/or presented posters during the daily poster sessions.
Day 1: August 5
- Session I: Core and Frontier Capabilities
- Center for Ultra-Wide-Area Resilient Electric Energy Transmission Networks (CURENT) - Stacy Prowell, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Real-Time Digital Simulator (RTDS)-based Testing Framework - Stacy Prowell, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Grid Security with Quantum Architectures & Resources (GridSQuaRe) - Stacy Prowell, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- IEC 61850 Cybersecurity Acceleration R&D Support - Paul Skare, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Energy Delivery System (EDS) Procurement Language - Paul Skare, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Facilitate Secure Inter-control Center Communications Protocol (ICCP) Rollout - Paul Skare, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Cybersecurity for Energy Management System (EMS) Decision Support Tools - Paul Skare, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Federation of Utility Control Center Cybersecurity and Operations Data (FEDSEC) - Paul Skare, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Session II: Core and Frontier Capabilities
- Attack Technology, Analysis and Characterization (ATAC) - Andy Bochman and Rita Wells, Idaho National Laboratory
- Response Analysis and Characterization Tool (ReACT) - Andy Bochman and Rita Wells, Idaho National Laboratory
- Risk Evaluation Nexus for Digital-Age Energy Reliability (RENDER) - Andy Bochman and Rita Wells, Idaho National Laboratory
- Industry Outreach and Support Efforts - Shabbir Shamsuddin and Virgil Hammond, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)
- Session III: Core and Frontier Capabilities
- High-Security, Low-Latency, Stream-Wise Authentication and Encryption of Intelligent Electronic Device Links Enabled by Quantum Cryptography - Raymond Newell, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Application of Computer Security Techniques in the Protection of Efficient Cyber-Physical Energy Generation Systems - Sean Peisert, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Dynamic Defense - Adrian R. Chavez, Sandia National Laboratories
- Network Randomization - Adrian R. Chavez, Sandia National Laboratories
- Session IV: Core and Frontier Capabilities
- Electric Sector Failure Scenarios and Impact Analyses - National Electric Sector Cybersecurity Organization Resource (NESCOR) - Annabelle Lee, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
- Session V: Energy Sector-Led Projects
- Alliance Project - Schweirtzer Engineering Laboratories
- Software-Defined Networking (SDN) Project - Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories
Day 2: August 6
- Session VI: Energy Sector-Led Projects
- Collaborative Defense of Transmission and Distribution Protection and Control Devices Against Cyber Attacks (CODEF) - Reynaldo Nuqui, ABB
- Cybersecurity Intrusion Detection and Monitoring for Field Area Networks - Stan Pietrowicz, Applied Communication Sciences
- Secure Policy-Based Configuration Framework (PBCONF) - Annabelle Lee, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
- Session VII: Energy Sector-Led Projects
- Cyber-Physical Modeling and Simulation for Situational Awareness (CYMSA) - Seth Walters, Dr. Sakis Meliopoulos, Dr. Santiago Grijalva, Dr. Raheem Beyah, Georgia Tech
- Session VIII: Academia-Led Projects
- Trustworthy Cyber Infrastructure for the Power Grid (TCIPG) - Bill Sanders, TCIPG
- Session IX: Energy Sector-Led Projects
- ARMORE: Applied Resiliency for More Trustworthy Grid Operations - Tim Yardley, University of Illinois; J. Ritchie Carroll, Grid Protection Alliance
- Cyber-Intrusion Auto-Response and Policy Management System (CAPMS) - Steve Lusk, Alex Amirnovin, Tim Collins, ViaSat Inc.
- Session X: Laboratory-Led Projects
- Supply Chain Integration for Integrity (SCI-FI) - David Manz, Carl Miller, PNNL; Ken Masica, Dan Quinlan, LLNL; John Munro, Mark Pleszkoch, ORNL
- Session XI: Laboratory-Led Projects
- Practical Quantum Security for Grid Automation - Warren Grice, Oak Ridge National Lab
- Session XII: Energy Sector-Led Projects
- Secure SW-Defined Radio (SDR) Project - Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories
- Essence: Energy Secure Security Appliances in a System for Intelligent Learning Network Configuration Management and Monitoring - Craig Miller, NRECA