Selections for this investment focus on key early-stage technical challenges.
August 14, 2018WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry announced the selection of 28 projects totaling $38 million to support early-stage research and development of innovative hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. The Secretary is in Golden, Colorado touring the Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
"As an energy carrier, hydrogen can help unite all of our nation’s abundant fossil, nuclear, and renewable energy resources," said Secretary Perry. "It is part of the Department’s diverse energy portfolio focused on providing affordable, reliable energy to American families and businesses."
This work also supports the DOE’s H2 @Scale initiative to produce and use hydrogen across multiple energy sectors.
Selections for this investment focus on key early-stage technical challenges related to non-precious metal catalysts, fuel cell membranes, reversible fuel cells, and electrolyzers to produce hydrogen, as well as innovative concepts to improve efficiency and lower costs of hydrogen vehicle refueling infrastructure.
Selections span three topic areas:
Topic 1: Platinum Free Catalysts to Lower Fuel Cell Costs
Topic 2: H2 @Scale: Hydrogen Production and Delivery Infrastructure Research
Topic 3: Innovative Fuel Cell Concepts
View the full list of selected projects here.
To learn more about the projects selected today and DOE’s work with industry, academia, and national laboratories, visit the Fuel Cell Technologies Office website.