
New Solar Design Competition Announced: Solar District Cup

Universities and community colleges can join the inaugural DOE Solar District Cup, to re-imagine how solar energy is generated, managed, and used.

July 18, 2019
minute read time
EERE Solar District Cup

Real-life projects. Real-world solutions. By leading your students in the U.S. Department of Energy Solar District Cup Collegiate Design Competition, you can help build the solar energy workforce of the future.

Universities and community colleges have the unique opportunity to join the inaugural DOE Solar District Cup, which challenges student teams to reimagine how solar energy is generated, managed, and used on a campus or urban district.

Designed to inspire students to consider new career opportunities, learn new skills, and engage with the professional marketplace, The Solar District Cup prepares students to become leaders in the next generation of distributed solar energy. As competitors, students will:

  • Engage with industry leaders and industry professionals to forge mentorships and connections that will aid their transition to the solar energy workforce upon graduation
  • Incorporate real-world electricity data and energy-use constraints in the development and design of their energy systems
  • Create conceptual physical and electrical layouts, build financial models, perform data analysis, and evaluate for land use, permitting, and other regulations
  • Build experience with real-life examples of innovative, integrated renewable energy design in the marketplace
  • Compete to win a Solar District Cup division!

The competition encourages collaboration with academia and industry. 

The Solar District Cup prepares students to become leaders in the next generation of distributed solar energy. As competitors, students will be provided real-world district use cases with detailed energy and site data to enable them to:

  • Build experience with real-life examples of innovative renewable energy design
  • Develop solutions that pave the way toward the future of solar energy
  • Compete to win a Solar District Cup division and receive national recognition!

Please consider this a personal invitation for you and your colleagues to commit to leading your student team in our inaugural competition! Learn more at or by reading the additional details below.

Registration for this fun and exciting challenge is open now.

To register your interest:

  • Go to our Challenge Page at
  • Create a HeroX account if you don’t already have one or sign-in and then choose “Accept Challenge”. This will indicate to us your interest in competing, it is not a commitment.
  • By the deadline of August 29, complete the first submission entry, “Registration” on the HeroX platform to complete your team’s registration. This is where you’ll identify your collegiate institution and expected team makeup.

We look forward to welcoming you as one of the nation’s top competitors. 

Close up of solar panels with raindrops
  • Solar Energy
  • Clean Energy
  • Energy Workforce
  • Careers
  • Renewable Energy

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(202) 586-4940 or [email protected]

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