Department of Energy Announces $97 Million for Small Business Research and Development Grants

Today, U.S. Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette announced that the Department of Energy (DOE) will award 86 grants totaling $97 million

February 24, 2020
minute read time

86 Grants Will Support Scientific Innovation

WASHINGTON D.C. – Today, U.S. Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette announced that the Department of Energy (DOE) will award 86 grants totaling $97 million to 70 small businesses in 28 states. Funded through DOE’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs, today’s selections are for Phase II research and development. Small businesses that demonstrated technical feasibility for innovations during their Phase I grants competed for funding for prototype or processes development during Phase II.  In addition, prior Phase II awardees competed for sequential Phase II awards to continue prototype and process development.  The median Phase II award is $1,100,000 for a period of two years.   

Highlighted below are selected grants for each of the research and development programs that provided funding for these projects:

·         Office of Advanced Scientific Computing

o    Configurable Entangled Photon Source for Quantum Networks

o    Tensor Operation Minimization and Optimization for Extreme-Scale Computational Chemistry and Deep Learning

o    Intuitive Data Analysis for Assessing Network Performance at Scale

·         Office of Basic Energy Sciences

o    Oxygen Selective Metal Organic Framework Adsorbent for High Efficiency Air Separation

o    Development of Additive Manufacturing for Neutron Scattering Collimators

o    High-Aspect-Ratio Diamond Refractive Optics

·         Office of Biological and Environmental Research

o    Development of a Ground-Based Microwave Radiometer with Improved Capabilities for Observation of Atmosphere

o    Dynamic Gamma-ray Imaging for In Vivo Tracking of Microelement Transport Across Plant-Microbial Systems

o    Switched-Field Surface NMR for Enhanced Detection and Resolution of Shallow Groundwater

·         Office of Nuclear Physics

o    A RF Beam Sweeper for Purifying In-Flight Produced Rare Isotope Beams

o    Cold Spray Technology Applications for SRF Cavity Thermal and Mechanical Stabilization

o    Highly Transparent Aerogel with Refractive Index < 1.01 for High Energy Particle Detection

Small businesses play a major role in spurring innovation and creating jobs in the U.S. economy.  The SBIR and STTR programs were created by Congress to leverage small businesses to advance innovation at federal agencies. Additional information on the DOE SBIR and STTR programs can be found HERE.

More information about the projects announced today is available HERE.



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