We’d like to extend our gratitude to the Nation’s essential critical infrastructure workers keeping our lights on and our energy flowing.
April 14, 2020Hats off to the essential critical infrastructure workers in the energy sector working every day to ensure that we have access to the affordable, reliable energy during COVID-19 response.
Across the country, America’s essential critical infrastructure workers in the energy sector are making sure our health care and first responder heroes have the power and fuel they need to save lives. Hats off to the essential critical infrastructure workers in the energy sector working every day to ensure that we have access to the affordable, reliable energy during COVID-19 response. #AmericaWorksTogether #PoweringThruTogether
Thank you...
Energy Technology Engineering Center (ETEC)
Environmental monitoring:
- Baseline Air Monitoring
- Groundwater monitoring
- RCRA closure surveillance and monitoring
Idaho Cleanup Project
- WIPP shipments (including progress towards certification)
- AMWTP processing remaining debris waste (namely, BN516 waste stream, when approved)
- Direct ATR SNF receipts from BEA (to support BEA Mission)
- EBR-II SNF to FCF and RSWF (based on ability to receive)
- IWTU readiness preps (remote planning and preparation)
- Calcine planning and engineering (remote planning and preparation)
- ATR Wet-to-Dry Transfers
Office of Environmental Management – Los Alamos (EM-LA)
- Perform radiological surveys at TA-54's Area G, where transuranic waste is stored
- Maintain the wellfield early notification system for Buckman Direct Diversion, which supports Santa Fe County's water supply system
- Maintain well packer systems, which seal the boreholes for groundwater wells to ensure proper operation
- Perform inspections of hazardous waste storage facilities to ensure compliance with the Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA)
- Perform required surveillances
- Respond to emergencies and abnormal events
- Perform weekly facility rounds, surveillances and inspections
Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (OREM)
- Employees overseeing and maintaining critical waste treatment infrastructure
- Employees overseeing and maintaining safe configurations at former research reactors and other high-risk facilities
Paducah Site
Department of Energy (EM) Oversight:
- Field/Site and Functional Leads
- Facility Representatives
Deactivation and Remediation:
- Plant Shift Superintendent and shift operators
- Fire and Paramedic personnel
- Radiation Control Technicians
- Environmental Services specialists
- Nuclear Material Control Accountability (NMCA) specialist
- Protective Force personnel
- Waste and Landfill Operations technicians
- Environmental Sample Management employees
- Quality Assurance specialist
- Business Services (procurement, human resources, payroll, IT Support) personnel
Infrastructure Support Services:
- Project managers
- Project Controls & Accounting manager
- Human Resource manager
- ESH&Q & ESH Managers
- Emergency managers
- Records manager
- Training manager
- Integrated Services and Operations and Maintenance managers
- Systems Lead & Communications employees
- Cyber Security managers
- Safeguards & Security personnel
Portsmouth Site
Department of Energy (EM) Oversight:
- Field/Site and Functional Leads
- Facility Representatives
Deactivation and Decommissioning:
- Protective Force
- Emergency Services (Fire, Emergency Medical Technicians, medical)
- Plant Shift Superintendent
- Site Utilities (power, water, sewer) workers
- Infrastructure Maintenance workers
- Environmental Monitoring technicians
- Waste Management personnel
- Radiation Protection personnel
Infrastructure Support Services:
- Facility inspectors
- Shipping, receiving and mail personnel
- Janitorial workers at staffed facilities
- Environmental, Safety & Health services personnel
- Support services managers
Portsmouth/Paducah Project Office (PPPO)
Depleted Uranium Hexafluoride Conversion Project (Duf6)
Operations and Maintenance:
- Facility managers
- Conversion operators
- Industrial Health technicians
- Radiological Control technicians
- Instrument mechanics
- Site Service technicians
- Cylinder Yard operators
Savannah River Site (SRS)
SRS has the necessary onsite and teleworking personnel to maintain health, safety and environmental protections and maintains the capability to call in necessary personnel to respond to issues.
Mission-Essential Occupations:
- Shift operations managers and shift operators
- Fire and Paramedic
- Radiation Control
- Environmental Services
- Waste and Landfill Operators
- Environmental Sample Management
- Quality Assurance
- Business Services (procurement, human resources, payroll, IT Support) personnel
- Project Controls
- Emergency Response and Infectious Disease Response Team
- Records management
- Training manager
- Site Services, Operations and Maintenance
- Communications
- Cyber Security
- Safeguards & Security personnel
- Protective Force personnel
- Scientists
Department of Energy (EM) Oversight:
- Field/Site and Functional Leads
- Facility Representatives
Management and Operations
- H Canyon, L Area and K Area and associated support facilities, are safe, secure, and are monitored by a core staff.
- Nuclear Materials - Technical Safety Requirement surveillances and required preventive maintenance is ongoing. Supporting NNSA missions as needed.
- Infrastructure & Environmental Stewardship - Sampling to meet permit and FFA requirements. Essential site services (water, power, etc.) as required.
- Solid Waste Disposition - Process base Solid Waste requirements.
Liquid Waste
- Defense Waste Processing Facility, Saltstone Production Facility, Tank Farms, and their associated support facilities, are safe, secure, and are monitored by a core staff.
- Liquid Waste Disposition - DWPF melter maintained hot and is but is performing some maintenance activities.
- Tank Farms and Effluent Treatment Facility - Effluent Treatment Facility operating as needed.
Savannah River National Lab:
- Continues support for Tritium, National Security and critical Liquid Waste analyses.
West Valley Demonstration Project (WVDP)
- IT employees who assist others with their teleworking capabilities and tech problems.
- Environmental employees who perform critical compliance inspections and environmental monitoring.
- Administrative employees who perform payroll, accounting and records management.
- Maintenance employees who maintain equipment and perform critical preventative maintenance on site systems.
- Security personnel who protect and secure the premises, and maintain control of the site 24/7.
- Subject matter experts and those skilled in specific areas who assist with emergent conditions needed for the safe and compliant
- Radiation technicians, safety technicians and hygienists who ensure work areas are safe and free of radiological, industrial and chemical hazards.
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP)
- Ground control
- Surface waste handling
- Underground waste handling
Critical infrastructure:
- Salt hoist refurbishment
- Fire loop replacement
- WIPP bypass road
- Safety significant confinement ventilation system
- Security Operations Center Analysts
- Cyber Operations Teams
- IT System Administrators
- IT Service Desk Workers and Network Operations staff
- Network Engineers
- The Strategic Petroleum Reserve staff that includes over 800 Federal employees and contractors. The SPR team works hard to maintain the operations and security of America’s crude oil supply.
- Nuclear Plant workers refueling our reactors across the country.
- To keep the lights on in response to this pandemic, WAPA’s Energy Management and Marketing Office staff in Montrose, Colorado, devised completely new methods, within just a few days, to run its 24/7 operation from multiple remote locations to keep employees safe and the grid running smoothly.
- In coordination with officials from Cody, Wyoming, the new transformer at the North Cody Substation was cut over. This eliminates the need for the continued use of temporary mobile transformers and frees them up for other emergency work.
- WAPA’s Folsom, California, office has installed temporary electrical circuits in support of the potential sequestration of its dispatchers.
- Electricians are making modifications to electrical circuits for WAPA’s Watertown Operations Center in South Dakota to provide power for temporary trailer and RV installations in anticipation of possible sequestration.
- Communication staff at WAPA’s Watertown Operations Center in South Dakota is performing substation inspections, battery maintenance checks and preparing for requested SCADA modifications in support of Operations.
- Workers at the Rocky Flats Site, located in Colorado, overseeing construction of the Original Landfill Stabilization project. Workers currently placing the east anchors (rows 6 & 7) and building the west toe drain.
- Workers at the Fernald Preserve Site, located in Ohio, conducting their operations rounds, routine sample analyses required by regulatory statute (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System), sample shipping, and facility monitoring.
- Workers at the Weldon Spring Site, located in Missouri, monitoring U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ construction of the new interpretive center and conducting leachate pretreatment/hauling.
- Workers at the Tuba City Site, located in Arizona, and the Shiprock Site, located in New Mexico; both on the Navajo Nation, conducting daily facility inspections for security/maintenance issues.
- Workers at the Monticello Site, located in Utah, conducting weekly facility inspections and supporting the city of Monticello for utility excavation.
- Workers at the Grand Junction Disposal Site, located in Colorado, conducting weekly inspections.
- Workers minimally manning LM field offices to care for shipping/receiving, IT, security, facility management, fleet, and mail at the following locations: Grand Junction, Colorado; Westminster, Colorado; Weldon Spring, Missouri; and Fernald, Ohio.
- Workers are remotely monitoring sites, and conduct event-driven (e.g., heavy rainfall) sample collection, POC sampling, limited groundwater sampling, and ensure treatment systems are functioning autonomously.
- Water Security
- Manufacturing
- Bioenergy
- Geothermal
- Hyro
- Thermal
- Solar
- Wind
- Transportation