Clean Energy Manufacturing Initiative

About the Clean Energy Manufacturing Initiative

Manufacturing technologies for cleaner energy generation, distribution, and use represents an important opportunity for U.S. economic growth, energy security, and accelerated innovation. Likewise, enhanced energy productivity and low-cost energy represent important opportunities for increasing U.S. competitiveness across the manufacturing sector. 

The Clean Energy Manufacturing Initiative is an effort across the Department of Energy in innovation and breaking down market barriers to enhance U.S. manufacturing competitiveness while advancing progress toward the nation’s energy goals.

Clean Energy Manufacturing Initiative Objectives:

DOE aims to focus its resources and design new efforts to develop and support the conditions for clean energy manufacturing to flourish within the United States as a part of the global economy while advancing the nation’s energy goals, and to enable private sector investments to drive growth.


  1. Enhance U.S. competitiveness in manufacturing clean energy technologies
  2. Enhance U.S. competitiveness in manufacturing throughout the sector by increasing energy productivity and leveraging low cost domestic fuels and feedstocks

Clean Energy Manufacturing Initiative Accomplishments:

Since the inception of the Clean Energy Manufacturing Initiative in March 2013, DOE has:

  • Partnered with Treasury to issue $150,000,000 in Advanced Energy Manufacturing tax credits
  • Increased focus on manufacturing research and development across the department including
    • 3 Clean Energy Manufacturing Innovation Institutes to support President Obama’s National Network for Manufacturing Innovation
    • Research and development in advanced manufacturing for energy technologies
    • Research and development in advanced manufacturing for saving energy in energy-intense industries
  • Piloted a clean energy manufacturing entrepreneurship incubator at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • Supported state energy and economic development offices to create state strategies for clean energy manufacturing and economic development

Keynote: The Honorable Ernest J. Moniz, U.S. Secretary of Energy

Dr. Moniz addresses attendees at the 2nd Annual AEMC Summit in Washington, DC.

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Keynote: The Honorable David T. Danielson, Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy

Dr. Danielson addresses attendees at the 2nd Annual AEMC Summit in Washington, DC.

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Next Generation Lunch: Revealing the World's First 3D Printed Car

The Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) hosts an exhibit displaying the world’s first 3D printed electric car that was made possible within a single year through a Department of Energy investment in partnership with Local Motors, Cincinnati Inc, and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

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To view all videos from the 2014 AEMC Summit please visit the Summit website.

Visit the Clean Energy Manufacturing Federal Resource Guide to find federal resources to help you design, scale up, and commercialize your technology.

<p>The Clean Energy Manufacturing Tech Team<br><a href="mailto:[email protected]">cleanenergymanufacturing@hq…. Department of Energy<br>1000 Independence Avenue, SW<br>Washington, DC 20585</p>