North American Energy Resilience Model to Strengthen Power System Planning

The Nation’s energy resilience depends on national-scale energy planning and situational awareness capabilities for rigorous and quantitative assessment, prediction, and improvement. An ambitious initiative led by U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)—the North American Energy Resilience Model (NAERM)—will provide this unique and ground-breaking capability to ensure reliable and resilient energy delivery across multiple sectors, spanning multiple organizations and authorities, while considering a range of large-scale, emerging threats

NAERM will develop a comprehensive resilience modeling system for the North American energy sector infrastructure. The United States is increasingly experiencing threats, natural and man-made. The need to proactively plan and prepare for events that threaten this Nation’s wellbeing and security necessitates the ambitious span of scope. NAERM will predict the impact of threats, evaluate and identify effective mitigation strategies, and support black start planning, benefiting the U.S. by advancing energy and economic security.

NAERM advances existing capabilities to model, simulate, and assess the behavior of electric power systems, as well as its associated dependencies on natural gas, telecommunications, and other critical infrastructures. Integration of significant and unique expertise at the national laboratories, plus data integration and collaboration from all stakeholders, will support threat characterization for the energy sector across varying geographic areas and supporting sectors. NAERM will engage with industry experts to ensure threat and consequence models are realistic and representative of actual system responses.