The Transmission Reliability Program Peer Review included 20 presentations over 2 days on June 3 - 4, 2014 in Washington, DC. Presentations are available through the links. The agenda is available to download.
September 11, 2014The Transmission Reliability Program Peer Review included 20 presentations over 2 days on June 3 - 4, 2014 in Washington, DC. Presentations are available through the links. The agenda is included below.
Day 1: June 3
- Session I
- Synchrophasor Standards Support and Development, Allen Goldstein, NIST
- Advanced Synchrophasor Metrology, Paul Ewing, ORNL
- Technology Assessment for Next Generation PMU, Mark Buchner, ORNL
- Session II
- Model Validation Project, Bernie Lesieutre, U Wisconsin
- WECC Frequency Response Tool, Pavel Etingov, PNNL
- Analysis of Emerging Multi-Terminal HVDC, Harold Kirkham, PNNL
- Session III
- Measurement-Based Stability Assessment, John Pierre, U Montana
- Development and Testing Oscillation Management System, Mani Venkatasubramanian, WSU
- Spectral Analysis of Power Grid PMU Data, Frank Tuffner, PNNL
- DSI Toolbox Capabilities Update, Frank Tuffner, PNNL
- Session IV
- ARR Research & Implementation, Alejandro Dominguez-Garcia and Pete Sauer, U Illinois
- ARR Research & Implementation, Carlos Martinez, ASR, Inc.
- Reliability Standards Analysis and Assessment, Song Xue, Electric Power Group
Day 2: June 4
- Session V
- Synchrophasor Data Validation, Simon Mo, Electric Power Group
- Synchrophasor Data Conditioning and Validation, Jim Thorp, VA Tech
- Voltage Stability, Scott Ghiocel, RPI
- BPA Wide-Area Damping Control, Dave Schoenwald, Sandia
- Session VI
- Baselining Studies and Analysis, Bharat Bhargava, Electric Power Group
- Baselining Studies and Analysis, Brett Amidan, PNNL
- Powerline Conductor Accelerated Testing, Philip Irminger, ORNL