LPO currently has available loans and loan guarantees in the following areas:
- Loan Guarantees for Clean Energy Projects
- Loans for Vehicle & Vehicle Component Manufacturing Projects
- Direct Loans or Partial Loan Guarantees for Tribal Energy Projects
- Loan Guarantees for Carbon Dioxide Transportation Infrastructure Projects
For more information about interest rates and other costs associated with LPO financing for each program, click here.
Under the Title 17 Clean Energy Financing Program, LPO can finance projects in the United States that support clean energy deployment and energy infrastructure reinvestment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Title 17 was created by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and has since been amended, most recently by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in 2021 and the Inflation Reduction Act in 2022. The legislation expanded the scope of Title 17 to include certain state-supported projects and projects that reinvest in legacy energy infrastructure, and it leverages additional loan authority and funding available for projects involving innovative energy technologies.
Loan Guarantees
Clean Energy Financing for projects that deploy innovative clean energy technologies at commercial scale (Innovative Energy) Or Employ innovative manufacturing processes or manufacture innovative technologies at commercial scale (Innovative Supply Chain)
Through the SEFI category of the Title 17 Clean Energy Financing Program, LPO can provide additional financial support to projects that align federal energy priorities with those of U.S. states
The Energy Infrastructure Reinvestment (EIR) Program (Section 1706) guarantees loans to projects that retool, repower, repurpose, or replace energy infrastructure that has ceased operations or enable operating energy infrastructure to run more cleanly.
LPO's Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing (ATVM) Loan Program provides direct loans to automotive or component manufacturers for reequipping, expanding, or establishing manufacturing facilities in the U.S. that produce fuel-efficient advanced technology vehicles or qualifying components, or for engineering integration performed in the U.S. for advanced technology vehicles or qualifying components.
Direct loans to support U.S. manufacturing of fuel-efficient, advanced technology vehicles and qualifying components
Guidance on loans and loan guarantees for the deployment and manufacture of EV and alternative fuel vehicles infrastructure
LPO's Tribal Energy Finance Program supports tribal investment in energy-related projects by providing direct loans or partial loan guarantees to federally recognized tribe, including Alaska Native village or regional or village corporations; or a Tribal Energy Development Organization (TEDO) that is wholly or substantially owned by a federally recognized Indian tribe or Alaska Native Corporation.
Direct loans and partial loan guarantees for tribal energy development projects
Under the Carbon Dioxide Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (CIFIA), DOE can provide access to debt capital for large-scale carbon transport projects. These kinds of projects can have difficulty accessing debt from private lenders because the common carrier CO2 transport market is in an early stage, CO2 transport infrastructure, like other forms of critical infrastructure, typically requires large upfront capital expenditures.
Loan Guarantees and Grants
Potential applicants are encouraged to engage directly with DOE's Loan Programs Office (LPO) for no-fee, no-commitment consultations to discuss their proposed project and learn about LPO's process before formally applying. During the consultations, LPO will work with you to determine whether the project is eligible for a loan or loan guarantee. See the Request a Pre-Application Consultation page to learn more.