2014 Transmission Reliability Program Peer Review

The Transmission Reliability Program Peer Review included 20 presentations over 2 days on June 3 - 4, 2014 in Washington, DC. Presentations are available through the links. The agenda is available to download.

Office of Electricity

September 11, 2014
minute read time

The Transmission Reliability Program Peer Review included 20 presentations over 2 days on June 3 - 4, 2014 in Washington, DC. Presentations are available through the links. The agenda is included below.

Day 1: June 3
  • Session I
    1. Synchrophasor Standards Support and Development, Allen Goldstein, NIST
    2. Advanced Synchrophasor Metrology, Paul Ewing, ORNL
    3. Technology Assessment for Next Generation PMU, Mark Buchner, ORNL
  • Session II
    1. Model Validation Project, Bernie Lesieutre, U Wisconsin
    2. WECC Frequency Response Tool, Pavel Etingov, PNNL
    3. Analysis of Emerging Multi-Terminal HVDC, Harold Kirkham, PNNL
  • Session III
    1. Measurement-Based Stability Assessment, John Pierre, U Montana
    2. Development and Testing Oscillation Management System, Mani Venkatasubramanian, WSU
    3. Spectral Analysis of Power Grid PMU Data, Frank Tuffner, PNNL
    4. DSI Toolbox Capabilities Update, Frank Tuffner, PNNL
  • Session IV
    1. ARR Research & Implementation, Alejandro Dominguez-Garcia and Pete Sauer, U Illinois
    2. ARR Research & Implementation, Carlos Martinez, ASR, Inc.
    3. Reliability Standards Analysis and Assessment, Song Xue, Electric Power Group
Day 2: June 4
  • Session V
    1. Synchrophasor Data Validation, Simon Mo, Electric Power Group
    2. Synchrophasor Data Conditioning and Validation, Jim Thorp, VA Tech
    3. Voltage Stability, Scott Ghiocel, RPI
    4. BPA Wide-Area Damping Control, Dave Schoenwald, Sandia
  • Session VI
    1. Baselining Studies and Analysis, Bharat Bhargava, Electric Power Group
    2. Baselining Studies and Analysis, Brett Amidan, PNNL
    3. Powerline Conductor Accelerated Testing, Philip Irminger, ORNL