In a separate DOE-funded project that was recently completed, Cree focused on developing LED chips incorporating photonic crystal elements for improved light extraction and novel package technology for higher down-conversion efficiency compared with conventional LEDs. This work ultimately resulted in a 15 percent brightness increase for packaged blue LEDs, compared with the baseline at the start of the two-year project.
The blue chip wall plug efficiency has the greatest improvement potential for white LEDs, since their performance depends on the quality of the blue LED light engine. White LEDs are produced by combining one or more saturated-color LEDs with a phosphor or other light down-converting media to achieve white broad-band illumination. Part of the challenge is moving the efficacy curve up at a reasonable cost. Improving the blue LED provides the broadest access of performance leverage to the applications base and benefits stakeholders at the various levels in the SSL value chain (chips, components, and systems).
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