Advisory Board Seats New Student Representatives

ORSSAB welcomes two new student representatives for FY 2014-15.

Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management

May 22, 2014
minute read time

The Oak Ridge Site Specific Advisory Board (ORSSAB) welcomed two new student representatives at its May meeting. Aditya Chourey and Claire Rowcliffe will serve on the board through April 2015. ORSSAB is a federally chartered citizens’ panel that provides recommendations to the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management.

“We’re very happy to welcome two new student representatives to the board,” said Dave Adler, the board’s DOE Alternate Deputy Designated Federal Officer, as he introduced the students to the board. “Thank you for coming to work with us for a year. It’s great you’ll be taking the time from your high school schedules to be part of the board.”

“I, too, welcome you to the board,” said board chair Dave Hemelright. “I hope you have as rewarding experience as so many of our previous students have.”

Aditya Chourey will be a senior at Oak Ridge High School, where he’s concentrating on science courses and serves as treasurer of the International Relations Club/Model United Nations. He leads the high school chess club and fills in when needed with the marching band playing clarinet and tenor saxophone. Aditya also serves as a school representative for the Oak Ridge Environmental Quality Advisory Board

Claire Rowcliffe will be a senior at Hardin Valley Academy where she is the captain of the swim team. She is a mentor in the HVA Talons, a group of students that mentor incoming 8th graders. She is a member of the National Honor Society, and she is involved with Project U, a club that stands against bullying. She is on the girls’ powderpuff football team, and in her free time, she enjoys reading and swimming.

The ORSSAB meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m., at the DOE Information Center in Oak Ridge. Information about the board is available on the internet at or by calling (865) 241-4583 or 241-4584.

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