Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

Hazardous wastes, mixed wastes, and non-hazardous solid wastes are generated, handled, and managed at facilities throughout the DOE complex. DOE Headquarters provides technical assistance and support to Departmental programs and sites on issues related to implementation and compliance with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous and solid waste management regulations. Headquarters also provides technical assistance and guidance on newly promulgated regulations, and coordinates the review and advocates Departmental interests regarding proposed RCRA regulatory initiatives applicable to DOE operations. Headquarters serves as the corporate resource and conducts the following activities in support of DOE program and field offices:

  • provide technical support and compliance assistance;
  • research and evaluate regulatory compliance issues;
  • develop guidance on compliance topics and new requirements;
  • track emerging regulatory initiatives;
  • coordinate DOE response to emerging policies and rulemakings;
  • conduct document reviews;
  • participate in independent assessments and conduct on-site assistance visits;
  • interface with EPA on regulatory compliance issues; and,
  • coordinate DOE input on certain RCRA reporting requirements.

In addition, Headquarters provides technical assistance and guidance to Departmental elements in regard to compliance with the RCRA Underground Storage Tank requirements.