IAEA-TECDOC-1329 Safety Culture in Nuclear Installations, Guidance for use in the Enhancement of Safety Culture
Office of Environment, Health, Safety & Security
November 15, 2002December, 2002
IAEA-TECDOC-1329 Safety Culture in Nuclear Installations, Guidance for Use in the Enhancement of Safety Culture, International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA, December 2002. Developed for use in the IAEA's Safety Culture Services. Covers topics such as: what is culture, and in particular what is safety culture; what are the stages of development of safety culture, and how you can assess its development using employee surveys; what practices can be used to develop safety culture, and what indicators will help monitor progress. The symptoms of a weakening safety culture are described, as well as the lessons learned from organizations who have experienced safety culture problems. This guide also contains information on how to undertake the process of transforming the existing safety culture, and develop a learning culture in an organization that is based on continuous improvement. The relationship between quality and safety is
discussed. The safety culture services offered by the IAEA are also described.