The full text glossary includes terms used throughout the U.S. Department of Energy Bioenergy Technologies Office website and resources.
Terms are listed alphabetically for easy reference. The term index lists all terms defined in the glossary.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Acid
- Acetic acid
- Acid detergent fiber (ADF)
- Acid hydrolysis
- Acid insoluble lignin
- Acid soluble lignin
- Adsorption
- Advanced Feedstock Supply System (AFSS)
- Aerobic
- Aerobic fermentation
- Agricultural residue
- Alcohol
- Aldehyde
- Aldoses
- Algae
- Alkali
- Alkaline hydrolysis
- Alkali lignin
- Amylase
- Anaerobic
- Anaerobic digestion
- Anhydrous
- Annual removals
- Aquatic plants
- Arabinan
- Arabinose
- Archaea (formerly archaebacteria)
- Aromatic
- Asexual reproduction
- Ash content
- Attainment area
- Auger
- B20
- Bacteria
- Bagasse
- Bark
- Barrel (of oil)
- Base
- Batch distillation
- Batch fermentation
- Batch process
- Beer
- Benzene
- Biobased product
- Bioconversion (or biochemical conversion)
- Biodiesel
- Bioeconomy
- Bioenergy
- Biofuel intermediate
- Biofuels
- Biogas
- Biomass
- Biomass processing residues
- Biopower
- Bioproduct
- Bioprospecting
- Biorefinery
- Black liquor
- Bone-dry-unit (BDU)
- Bottoming cycle
- British thermal unit (Btu)
- By-product
- Cambium
- Capacity
- Capital cost
- Carbohydrate
- Carbon dioxide
- Carbon monoxide
- Catalyst
- Cellulase
- Cellulose
- Cetane (also called hexadecane)
- Cetane number (analogous to octane for gasoline)
- Char
- Chips
- Co-firing
- Co-generation
- Co-products
- Coarse materials
- Combined cycle
- Combined-cycle power plant
- Combined heat and power
- Combustion
- Combustion air
- Combustion efficiency
- Commercial forest land
- Commercial species
- Conifer
- Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)
- Continuous fermentation
- Coppice regeneration
- Cord
- Corn stover
- Cracking
- Cropland
- Cropland used for crops
- Cropland pasture
- Cull tree
- Dehydration
- Dehydrogenation
- Denaturant
- Dewatering
- Diameter at breast height (dbh)
- Diatom
- Digester
- Disaccharides
- Discount rate
- Distillate
- Distillation
- Distillers dried grains (ddg)
- Downdraft gasifier
- Drop-in fuel
- Drying
- Dry ton
- Dutch oven furnace
- E-10
- E-16
- E-85
- Effluent
- Elemental analysis
- Emissions
- Energy crop
- Enzymatic hydrolysis
- Enzyme
- Ester
- Ethanol (CH3CH2OH)
- Externality
- Extractives
- Fast pyrolysis
- Fatty acid
- Feedstock
- Feller-Buncher
- Fermentation
- Fiber products
- Fine materials
- Firm power (firm energy)
- Fixed bed
- Fixed carbon
- Flash point
- Flocculation
- Fluidized bed
- Fly ash
- Forest health
- Forest land
- Forestry residues
- Fossil fuel
- Fungi
- Fuel cycle
- Fuel handling system
- Fuel treatment evaluator (FTE)
- Fuelwood
- Furfural
- Furnace
- Galactan
- Galactose
- Gasification
- Gasifier
- Gas turbine
- Genetic selection
- Geographic information systems (GIS)
- Gigawatt (GW)
- Global warming
- Glucan
- Glucose (C6H12O6)
- Glycerin (C3H8O3)
- Grassland pasture and range
- Green diesel
- Green gasoline
- Greenhouse effect
- Greenhouse gas
- Grid
- Gross heat of combustion
- Growing stock
- Guaiacyl
- Habitat
- Hardwood
- Heat rate
- Heat transfer efficiency
- Heating value
- Hectare
- Hemicellulose
- Herbaceous plants
- Herbaceous energy crops
- Hexose
- Higher heating value (HHV)
- Holocellulose
- Horsepower (electrical horsepower; hp)
- Hybrid
- Hydrocarbon (HC)
- Hydrocarbon emissions
- Hydrocracking
- Hydrogenation
- Hydrolysis
- Hydrothermal liquefaction
- Hydrotreating
- Idle cropland
- Incinerator
- Inclined grate
- Incremental energy costs
- Independent power producer
- Indirect liquefaction
- Industrial wood
- Inoculum
- Landfill gas
- Levelized life-cycle cost
- Life-cycle assessment (LCA)
- Lignin
- Lignin methoxy (MeO) to phenylpropanoid (C9) ratio
- Lignin pseudo-molecule for modeling
- Lignocellulose
- Lipids
- Lower heating value (LHV)
- Live cull
- Logging residues
- Mannan
- Mannose (C6H12O6)
- Mash
- Mass closure (%)
- Megawatt (MW)
- Metabolism
- Methane (CH4)
- Methanol (wood alcohol)
- Microorganism
- Mill/kWh
- Mill residue
- Moisture
- Moisture free basis
- Monoculture
- Monosaccharide
- Municipal solid waste (MSW)
- Native lignin
- Net heat of combustion
- Net present value
- Neutral detergent fiber (NDF)
- Nitrogen fixation
- Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
- Non-condensing, controlled extraction turbine
- Non-forest land
- Non-industrial private
- Non-renewable resource
- Octane rating (octane number)
- Old growth
- Organic compound
- Organic residuals
- Other forest land
- Other removals
- Other sources
- Oven dry ton
- Oxygenate
- Ozone
- Particulates
- Petroleum
- Phloem
- Photoautotroph
- Photobioreactor
- Photoconversion
- Photoheterotroph
- Photosynthesis
- Pilot scale
- Poletimber trees
- Polyculture
- Polymer
- Polysaccharide
- Present value
- Primary wood-using mill
- Process development unit
- Process heat
- Producer gas
- Proof
- Proximate analysis
- Protein
- Public utility commissions
- Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA)
- Pulpwood
- Pyrolysis
- Reaction
- Recombinant DNA
- Recovery boiler
- Refractory lining
- Refuse-derived fuel (RDF)
- Renewable energy resource
- Reserve margin
- Residues, biomass
- Return on investment (ROI)
- Rotation
- Rotten tree
- Rough tree
- Roundwood products
- Saccharide
- Saccharification
- Salvable dead tree
- Saplings
- Saturated steam
- Screen analysis
- Scrubber
- Secondary wood processing mills
- Shaft horsepower
- Short rotation intensive culture (SRIC)
- Silviculture
- Slow pyrolysis
- Softwood
- Sound dead
- Stand (of trees)
- Starch
- Steam turbine
- Stover
- Structural chemical analysis
- Substrate
- Superheated steam
- Surplus electricity
- Sustainable
- Syringyl
- Tar
- Therm
- Thermochemical conversion
- Timberland
- Timber Product Output Database Retrieval System (TPO)
- Tipping fee
- Ton
- Topping cycle
- Topping and back pressure turbines
- Total lignin
- Total solids
- Toxics
- Transesterification
- Transmission
- Traveling grate
- Triglyceride
- Turbine
- Turn down ratio
- Waste streams
- Water-cooled vibrating grate
- Watershed
- Watt
- Wet scrubber
- Wheeling
- Whole tree chips
- Willstatter lignin
- Wood
- Wort