Advanced Technology Planning for Federal Energy Savings Performance Contracts

The Federal Energy Management Program helps agencies to identify and plan opportunities to deploy advanced technologies through federal energy savings performance contracts (ESPCs).

A federal project executive (FPE) will work with a project facilitator and a U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory team to identify the economic feasibility of combined heat and power and renewable energy technologies that can be considered energy conservation measures (ECMs) in ESPCs.

To receive planning assistance, agencies need to complete the renewable energy screening form. The data provided in this file will be used by the national laboratory team to screen for the economic feasibility of renewable energy ECMs at the agency site. Screening results are usually available within three to four weeks of receiving data. An FPE will report the results to the agency in advance of the project kickoff meeting for review and consideration.

Contact an FPE to start working on an ESPC project.