The Federal Energy and Water Management Awards recognize individuals, groups, and agencies for their outstanding contributions in the areas of energy efficiency, water conservation, and the use of advanced and renewable energy technologies at federal facilities. Winners of the 2009 Federal Energy and Water Management Awards include the following.
Water Conservation Awards to Organizations
Environmental Protection Agency
Research Triangle Park Main Laboratory
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Research Triangle Park (RTP) facility saved 8.1 million gallons of water in fiscal year 2008, equal to 82% of EPA's total water savings accomplished in that year. EPA implemented several initiatives, including switching from single-pass cooling to use of re-circulated chilled water to cool equipment, retrofitting lavatory faucets and pre-rinse spray valves, optimizing schedules for washing animal cages and racks, turning off two inefficient two-cell cooling towers, retrofitting facilities steam sterilizers controls, and reducing water supplied to a central laboratory vacuum system by two-thirds. These measures reduced facility water consumption in fiscal year 2008 by 15.3% from the previous year and avoided $70,000 in water costs. The projects also contributed in part to the Research Triangle Park's facility-wide savings of more than 50 billion Btu and more than $457,000 in energy cost savings from fiscal year 2007.
U.S. Marine Corps
Marine Corps Air Station Miramar
San Diego, California
In fiscal year 2008, Marine Corps Air Station Miramar conserved water in three primary areas to achieve cost savings of more than $371,000. Miramar completed three additional phases of its reclaimed water project, using reclaimed water for large landscaping areas as well as for dual piping of toilets and urinals for new facilities. The station also installed a state-of-the-art central irrigation control system, which monitors and manages all of the potable and reclaimed irrigation lines. A major benefit of this system is the automatic shut off of any line that indicates water loss, such as a broken line or valve. Four athletic fields have been renovated with artificial turf, lowering both water and maintenance costs. Together, these efforts saved more than 21.5 million gallons in fiscal year 2008, reducing Miramar's potable water consumption by about 15% from the previous year and 18% below the fiscal year 2007 baseline.
Water Conservation Awards to Small Groups
Richard Anderson
Victor Hammond
Jon Hayden
Joshua Jones
Russ Smalling
Department of the Army
Tooele Army Depot
Tooele, Utah
When Tooele Army Depot's water use skyrocketed in early fiscal year 2008, the team suspected broken water lines were causing water loss and worked to find an effective method to identify the problem areas. The team researched and initiated the use of subsurface leak detection equipment, which amplifies the sound of a water leak, allowing the operator to detect its precise location. The Team made a series of sound-level measurements that resulted in discovery of 12 water line breaks that were all repaired during fiscal year 2008. In the last two quarters of fiscal year 2008 alone, the base saved 12 million gallons of water and almost $5,000. Considering the cost of the equipment and repairs, payback is estimated at 2.6 years. Tooele Army Depot shared its success story with all Army organizations through a 2008 Army publication on energy efficiency lessons learned.
John Bollinger
Michael Hatch
Robert Hellmuth
Todd Snouffer
Department of Commerce
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, Maryland
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) conducted a study revealing that, for two facilities with lower levels falling below the water table, approximately 90,000 gallons of groundwater per day was being pumped into the utility storm drain system to keep the buildings dry. NIST began installing a groundwater recovery system in fiscal year 2007 to reroute the pumped groundwater to the cooling tower of NIST's steam and chilled water generation plant, thereby reducing the amount of purchased water required from the local utility. The project was completed in February 2008 with early metering data showing about 79,000 gallons per day being diverted to the cooling tower. The system saved 22 million gallons and more than $85,000 in the last 8 months of fiscal year 2008 and is expected to result in savings of approximately 33 million gallons and $128,000 in water costs annually. With a total project cost of $856,000, payback is estimated at less than 7 years.
Calvin Graves
Stephen Labus
James Mitchell
Robert Sapp
Kenneth Thayer
Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey National Center
Reston, Virginia
Facility personnel at the Department of the Interior's U.S. Geological Survey National Center implemented water saving projects and measures that achieved dramatic water savings in fiscal year 2008. Five primary projects included retrofitting a condenser cooling system from a one-pass system to a closed-loop chilled water system; installing low-flow, solar-powered automated faucets; reducing landscape irrigation through minimizing flower beds, planting drought tolerant flowers, and reducing watering of grassy areas; repairing and making operational improvements to the cooling tower, and switching from ice cooled serving trays to refrigerated cold wells to eliminate use of an ice maker. These and other projects yielded savings of 2.9 million gallons in fiscal year 2008, a reduction of 14.4% from the previous year. Corresponding costs savings were $21,700"equal to 25% of the Center's annual water costs.
Marysia Davis
Julie Nowak
Vince Pumo
General Services Administration
Great Lakes Region
Chicago, Illinois
In fiscal year 2008, members of the General Service Administration's (GSA) Great Lakes Region team implemented a project to replace 85% of the faucets and flush valves in four facilities of the Chicago Federal Center Complex with automatic, water-efficient models to replace the existing manual faucets and hand/foot flush system. The project resulted in savings of more than 6.7 million gallons in the first year, with more than $34,000 in unrealized water cost savings for the partial year usage. It is estimated that cost savings for the Chicago Federal Center Complex may be much as $100,000 annually in fiscal year 2009 and beyond. The faucet and flush valve replacement was since expanded to include other federally-owned buildings in the Greater Chicagoland Service Center. The project also was deemed a regional "best practice," and has been adopted as the standard for all full scale replacements for the Great Lakes Region.
Robert Demyanovich
Ken Mears
Tom Santoianni
Richard Spiessl
Department of the Navy
Naval Base Ventura County
Port Hueneme, California
In fiscal year 2008, Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) completed a water conservation program resulting in a 36% cut in water consumption from the fiscal year 2007 baseline. This water savings came at a crucial time for the base, as the water utility rate increased by 26% annually. Several centrally- and activity-funded initiatives were completed, including installing brand new irrigation systems with evapotranspiration controllers and replacing controllers on existing older systems; installing waterless urinals in 25 facilities; installing 1,800 low-flow showerheads in barracks and family housing units; and repairing leaking pools and water lines. These efforts saved a total of almost 225 million gallons and more than $270,000 in cost savings in fiscal year 2008. By reducing consumption, NBVC avoided paying almost $337,000 in additional water costs resulting from the higher fiscal year 2008 rate.
Water Conservation Award to an Individual
Walter Unick
Department of the Army
Picatinny Arsenal
Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey
Picatinny Arsenal owns its own water plant with fixed operating costs. There is no direct relationship between water conservation and cost savings. But when base water consumption began approaching plant capacity in fiscal year 2008, Walter "Mickey" Unick initiated an aggressive leak detection and repair program to avoid construction costs of a new plant. Mr. Unick also implemented an automated system to provide status and control of the water plant, pumping, and storage; installed submeters in the distribution system to more easily identify losses and leaks; and installed automatic altitude control valves to balance pressure across the reservoir tank storage system. These efforts reduced water consumption by 31.7 million gallons–about 14%–from fiscal year 2007, despite an increase in Picatinny's operational activity levels and a population increase of about 30% over the past 18 months. Based on local water rates, this equates to cost savings of approximately $126,800.
Renewable Energy Awards to Organizations
Department of Energy
Office of Management and
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Washington, DC
In fiscal year 2008, the Department of Energy (DOE) Headquarters Forrestal building installed a 205 kilowatt roof-top photovoltaic (PV) system comprised of 891 high-efficiency crystalline silicon modules. The system is expected to generate approximately 200 megawatt-hours of clean electricity annually–equivalent to about 8% of the building's energy needs–and save $26,000 per year in energy costs. A unique feature of this effort is the technology showcase, which consists of four separate 1-kilowatt arrays each featuring a different photovoltaic technology. The showcase allows DOE's solar experts to compare performance during various temperature and weather conditions, and the removable panels easily can be replaced with new technologies as they emerge. Further, an educational kiosk in the Forrestal lobby shows the power output of the PV system during the day and the energy produced over time.
Department of the Interior
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
Albuquerque, New Mexico
In cooperation with the Department of Energy's Tribal Energy Program, in fiscal year 2008 the Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute (SIPI) added a 70 kilowatt grid-connected building integrated photovoltaic roofing system to the SIPI gymnasium. The polyvinyl chloride (PVC) membrane panels, which meet cool roof rating standards, provided an opportunity to generate alternative energy while providing a much needed roof replacement for the gym. The 17,000 square feet of photovoltaic panels generate 127 megawatt-hours of electricity, displacing more than 430 million Btu annually from fossil fuel generation. The system helps offset SIPI's overall power consumption, as excess energy not used by the gym is sent into SIPI's internal grid. In fiscal year 2008, the gym's electricity consumption alone decreased by 43%. The PV system is the largest in the state of New Mexico, and provided a template for another 45 kilowatt roof currently under construction for SIPI's administration building.
Department of the Navy
Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake
China Lake, California
In fiscal year 2008, Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake completed a 124 kilowatt photovoltaic carport structure that generates clean energy for the base and provides shade for cars of base personnel. The new carport will save approximately 785 million Btu of energy and $56,000 annually. Since the success of this initial PV project, the installation has added two more PV carports totaling 133 kilowatts, and is planning to implement additional PV carports, solar roofs, and solar thermal projects. As a result of base-wide conservation efforts, China Lake saved 39 billion Btu and 148 million gallons of water from fiscal year 2007, equating to almost $1.8 million in energy and water cost savings. China Lake's energy use in fiscal year 2008 was down 7% from the previous year, and nearly 23% below the fiscal year 2003 baseline. Water conservation at China Lake also progressed to nearly 23% below the 2007 baseline, due largely to the aggressive tuning of existing irrigation controllers.
Department of Veterans Affairs
James H. Quillen VA Medical Center
Mountain Home, Tennessee
In 2007 the James H. Quillen Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center began utilizing methane gas generated by waste decomposition at the local landfill for energy production. Due to the proximity of the medical center to the landfill, the City of Johnson City installed a 4-mile pipeline to the facility and infrastructure to clean and pressurize the gas. The landfill gas now replaces a portion of the natural gas utilized by the facility for steam and electricity production. During the first full year of operation in fiscal year 2008, the Medical Center generated almost 175 billion Btu of energy with landfill methane, accounting for 34% of the facility's total gas usage. The facility reduced its natural gas production by almost 72 billion Btu, saving approximately $1.5 million in energy costs. The project also prevents 3,000 tons of methane from being emitted from the landfill and avoids production of more than 7,500 tons of carbon dioxide each year.
Renewable Energy Award to a Small Group
Dennis Chiu
John Dunbar
Ronald Hochbrueckner
William Nutting
U.S. Marine Corps
Marine Corps Base Hawaii
Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii
Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH) implemented its first photovoltaic renewable energy project using building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) roofing panels. The MCBH Facilities Department team seized the opportunity to leverage planned maintenance-funded reroofing projects to help offset the high cost of PV installation in Hawaii. Rather than installing built-up asphalt roofing, two buildings each received polyvinyl chloride (PVC) membrane cool roofing and 8,000 square feet of BIPV panels. Together the two 65.2 kilowatt PV systems produce about 307 million Btu annually, which will save an estimated $18,000 per year in purchased electricity. The systems provide nearly 60% of each building's daily electricity requirements, displacing the fossil fuel-generated electricity previously purchased from the local utility company. These projects are now being replicated in renovation and reroofing projects for other MCBH facilities.
Sustainable Design/High Performance Buildings Awards to Organizations
Department of Energy
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, Illinois
In fiscal year 2008, Argonne National Laboratory completed construction of the Sub-Angstrom Microscopy and Microanalysis facility, a state-of-the-art laboratory dedicated to advanced electron microscopy. The 7,700 gross square foot, $4.8 million facility incorporated sustainable best practices in all steps of the design and was submitted for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED™) certification. Sustainable attributes include features relating to the building site; water efficiency; the use of zero CFC-based refrigerants; the use and reuse of certified and locally fabricated materials; indoor environmental quality measures; fundamental commissioning; and the use of an existing site-based chilled water system. The building will save approximately 1 billion Btu, $24,100 in energy costs, and 5,700 gallons of water per year. It is anticipated that the sustainable and functional features of this innovative research facility will impact similar facilities around the world.
Department of Energy
Office of Legacy Management
Washington, DC
The Fernald Preserve Visitors Center, maintained and operated under DOE's Office of Legacy Management, was awarded platinum-level Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certification in fiscal year 2008–the highest level achievable under LEED and the second DOE building to achieve this distinction. Sustainable features include a ground-source heat pump, a biotreatment wetland system, native and no-irrigation plants, reflective roofing materials, and use of recycled, salvaged, and rapidly renewable building materials. One hundred percent of the building's power comes from renewable energy sources. The building will save about 84 million Btu, $5,800 in energy costs, and 38 thousand gallons of water per year. These savings are equivalent to reductions of approximately 17% in energy use, 48% in energy costs, and 41% in water use over a conventional building.
Department of the Interior
National Park Service
Blue Ridge Parkway Destination Center
Asheville, North Carolina
The new Blue Ridge Parkway Destination Center, designed to conserve the Parkway's biologically diverse landscape, opened in December 2007. The Center orients visitors to the history, culture, and resources of the Parkway and region while demonstrating high-performance ecological design. It incorporates a 10,000-square-foot green roof, planted with 100% native, drought tolerant plants. Other sustainable and energy-saving features include active and passive heating and cooling, radiant floor heating, energy recovery and natural ventilation; high performance glazing; daylight harvesting; recycled and low-VOC building materials; low-flow plumbing fixtures, and bio-retention areas for stormwater runoff. One hundred percent of purchased energy is from green sources. The facility is projected to save 974 million Btu and more than $24,000–using 75% less energy than comparable buildings–and save about 58,700 gallons of water annually.
Sustainable Design/High Performance Buildings Awards to Small Groups
Ric Alesch
Gene Doll
Dan Jones
Dennis McMullen
Ashley Muse
Department of the Interior
National Park Service
Lassen Volcanic National Park
Mineral, California
Lassen Volcanic National Park's new visitor center, opened in September 2008, includes many sustainable and energy saving features such as a high-efficiency 10-ton ground-source heating and cooling system; a 30 kilowatt photovoltaic system; automated daylight controls; super insulation of the building envelope; recycled, local, and low-emitting building materials; light-emitting diode exhibit lighting; and incandescent-free lighting throughout. The project exceeds the ASHRAE 90.1 design standards for energy conservation by 40%, even with added climate challenges such as receiving 20 feet of snow in the winter months. It is also expected that dual flush toilets, waterless urinals, low-flow fixtures, and no-irrigation native plantings will reduce water use by more than 30% over a baseline building. The facility was submitted for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certification and is expected to be the first year-round Platinum building in the National Park Service system.
Charlie Blair
Tom Kerr
Deborah Loon
Andrew McDermott
Sean Wagner
Department of the Interior
Fish and Wildlife Service
Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge
Bloomington, Minnesota
Construction of the Rapids Lake Education and Visitor Center at the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge incorporated an aggressive, comprehensive approach to energy management. Key energy saving features include a 24-ton ground-source geothermal system; a water-to-water heat exchanger; energy recovery outside air system; radiant heating at windows to supplement building heat; demand-based tankless domestic water heaters; super insulation; high-efficiency lighting; occupancy and daylighting sensors; spectrally selective low-e glazing; and thermal mass storage. The facility saved almost 418 million Btu during its first year of operation–translating to 60% less energy than a comparable building. Waterless urinals and low-flow water fixtures reduced water consumption by almost 33,000 gallons, or about 57% over the baseline. The building received an ENERGY STAR Performance Rating of 93 out of 100 and qualifies for LEED Silver certification.
Dale Aubin
Duncan Creaser
Tony Leger
Susan McMahon
Dean Rhine
Department of the Interior
Fish and Wildlife Service
Ohio River Islands National Wildlife Refuge
Williamstown, West Virginia
The new Ohio River Islands National Wildlife Refuge Administration Building and Visitor Contact Facility was constructed on a previously used brownfield site, which allowed the refuge's natural habitat to be left undisturbed. Passive solar features, daylighting, energy efficient lighting, and occupancy sensors, together with operable windows and a geothermal system, optimize energy performance of the facility. Additional sustainable fixtures include low-flow water fixtures, local and recycled building materials, and landscaping with native plantings. Natural and mechanical ventilation systems, as well as low-emitting and non-toxic building materials, improve indoor air quality. The facility's designation as an ENERGY STAR Building shows energy performance that is 28% better than a typical building, with energy savings of 100 million Btu and more than $1,800 in energy costs in fiscal year 2008.
Energy Efficiency/Energy Program Management Awards to Organizations
U.S. Air Force
2nd Civil Engineer Squadron
Barksdale Air Force Base
Barksdale AFB, Louisiana
Barksdale Air Force Base's 2nd Civil Engineer Squadron implemented a number of low- cost, no-cost, and funded energy conservation measures in fiscal year 2008. Projects included replacing high intensity discharge fixtures with super T-8 fluorescent fixtures; retrofitting T-12 fluorescent fixtures in commercial buildings and maintenance hangars; retro-commissioning heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems; replacing low-efficiency boilers with high-efficiency condensing units; converting conventional exit lighting to light-emitting diode (LED) fixtures; using energy management control systems and digital control systems to shut-down HVAC during non-occupied hours; and implementing a photo-sensors audit and repair program. The base also adjusted occupied space temperature set-points to a lower temperature in the winter and warmer temperature in the summer. These and other efforts saved more than 51 billion Btu and almost $583,000 in natural gas and electricity costs, equating to a 7.8% decrease in energy intensity from fiscal year 2007.
U.S. Air Force
718th Civil Engineer Squadron
Kadena Air Base
Kadena AB, Japan
Kadena Air Base's fiscal year 2007 operation and maintenance (O&M) facility energy costs exceeded $32 million, with energy consumption of 712 billion Btu. In fiscal year 2008, the Base aggressively implemented multiple energy initiatives to reduce facility energy use and costs. Replacement of high intensity discharge lights with T5-high output (HO) lights saved 62% in lighting energy consumption. Kadena also decentralized central heating and air conditioning in military family housing and installed an energy management control system (EMCS) in 20 facilities. Together these and other efforts reduced energy consumption by almost 16 billion Btu and $550,000 from fiscal year 2007. Kadena also saved 8.8 million gallons of water in fiscal year 2008 through the installation of ENERGY STAR washing machines and water efficient aerators, showerheads, and toilets. Due to the success of the EMCS and direct digital controls projects, five more phases are programmed for fiscal year 2009 for a total of $2.6 million for 56 facilities.
Department of Energy
Bonneville Power Administration
Federal Agency Energy Efficiency Program
Seattle, Washington
Bonneville Power Administration's (BPA) Federal Agency Energy Efficiency Program helps agencies identify, develop, and implement energy efficiency projects in the Pacific Northwest. During fiscal year 2008, the program worked with their own BPA sites and six other agencies including the Air Force, Army, Army Corps of Engineers, Navy, the Bureau of Reclamation, and the Forest Service to complete 114 projects including lighting retrofits; HVAC system replacements; installation of base wide metering systems; low-cost/no cost energy efficiency project implementation; and the installation of a new energy efficient pumping plant. Together the projects resulted in electric energy savings of 121.7 billion Btu, making it the most successful year on record for the program. This equates to utility cost savings of $14.8 million for BPA and the agencies combined. New agency relationships started in fiscal year 2008 will lead to additional projects and subsequent energy savings.
U.S. Marine Corps
Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton
Camp Pendleton, California
In fiscal year 2008, Marine Corps Camp Pendleton executed a $10 million utility energy service contract (UESC) that bundled together energy conservation measures including lighting retrofits; building commissioning; pump and motor replacements; energy management control systems; photovoltaic rooftop arrays, lights, and bus shelters; boiler replacements; heating, ventilation, and air conditioning upgrades; and natural gas and water meter installations. The lighting component retrofitted more than 8,500 lighting fixtures, reducing the average energy use of each fixture by about 25%. New renewable energy systems add another 107 kilowatts (KW) of on-site generating capacity, bringing the base total to 250 KW. The UESC projects and other ongoing energy management efforts saved almost 28 billion Btu in fiscal year 2008, reducing Base energy consumption by 3% compared to fiscal year 2007. Conservation measures executed under the UESC alone are expected to save more than $1.3 million in annual energy costs.
Energy Efficiency/Energy Program Management Awards to Small Groups
Tom Denslow
Danny Dobbs
Steve Dumont
Ron Miller
Daniel Thatcher
U.S. Air Force
7th Civil Engineer Squadron
Dyess Air Force Base, Texas
The 7th Civil Engineering Squadron at Dyess Air Force Base implemented several energy savings measures in fiscal year 2008 including installation of a highly efficient, computer-optimized heat pump system that is 25% more efficient than a standard chilled water system. Other measures included replacing two 500-ton reciprocating chillers with one new efficient 480 ton screw-type chiller; installing ceramic bead roof coating; installing fixed-set point light set-back thermostats; upgrading energy management controls; repairing natural gas leaks; and establishing a new base energy policy that created three and a half months of no-heat/no-cool periods. The team also implemented an energy savings performance contract (ESPC) to add 11 megawatts per hour of diesel/biodiesel generators and allow effective procurement of market clearing price electricity. These measures reduced energy consumption by more than 95 billion Btu–16.5% from fiscal year 2007–and saved more than $1 million in energy costs.
Clayton Barrow
Susan Livenick
John Mallin
Thomas Stephens
Kevin Thornton
Department of Energy
National Nuclear Security Administration
Nevada Site Office
Las Vegas, Nevada
The Nevada Site Office remediated and restored Building B-3, the remaining 78,120 square foot portion of a three-building complex vacated and demolished due to the presence of beryllium. NNSA not only rebuilt the facility, but by using only 4.1% of the $16.8 million total project cost, upgraded the building to qualify for and receive LEED Silver certification. The B-3 building was reconfigured internally to provide sufficient space for approximately 96% of the original occupants of the entire three-building complex. Redesign in the areas of lighting and air conditioning, along with enhanced methods of managing these systems, produced significant cost savings relative to the initial investment. In fiscal year 2008, the building saved approximately $108,000 and about 4.9 billion Btu. Additionally, the installation of low-flow fixtures and dual flush toilets is saving more than 264,000 gallons and $1,700 per year–about a 44% reduction in water usage.
Derek Briggs
Nick Cates
Chris Drury
David Motroni
David Washington
Department of the Navy
Naval Base Kitsap Bangor
Bremerton, Washington
In fiscal year 2008, Naval Base Kitsap Bangor reduced its energy consumption by 15% from the fiscal year 2003 baseline and by 8% from fiscal year 2007, surpassing the FY 2008 interim energy reduction goal by nearly 6%. The base executed a portion of the Bonneville Power Administration Phase 3 facility upgrade project–a multi-site project within the larger Bremerton complex. The project installed advanced boiler controls in two buildings and upgraded HVAC systems; direct digital controls; and lighting. Together, these and other activity-funded projects saved almost 48 billion Btu and more than $420,000. The base also achieved an impressive 21% reduction in water consumption relative to the fiscal year 2007 baseline. The installation of freeze protection devices reduced the water flow rate needed to protect critical equipment to less than 0.5 gallons per minute. From an investment of only $12,500, this project saves almost 53 million gallons and more than $80,000 annually.
Chris Drury
David Motroni
John Payne
Caryn Seifert
David Washington
Department of the Navy
Naval Base Kitsap Bremerton
Bremerton, Washington
Naval Base Kitsap Bremerton achieved a 15% reduction in energy consumption in fiscal year 2008 relative to the baseline. Energy efficiency projects included boiler plant modifications and lighting upgrades that together will save 15 million Btu and almost $152,000 annually. The $1.5 million lighting project, funded entirely by a rebate provided by Bonneville Power Administration, retrofitted high-intensity discharge lighting fixtures with more efficient T-5 fluorescent fixtures, reducing energy consumption by about 50% and improving lighting levels. The base also cut its water use dramatically in fiscal year 2008–more than 36% below the fiscal year 2007 baseline. The most significant project installed freeze protection devices on fire protection and drinking water hoses. This $5,000 project is saving more than 21 million gallons and $47,500 annually. As part of its extensive outreach, in April 2008 the base introduced an energy mascot, "BRITE," that already has become the energy mascot for the entire Navy.
Richard Beutel
Steve Driver
Pat Ferguson
Anthony Quintiliani
Department of Veterans Affairs
James J. Peters VA Medical Center
Bronx, New York
The Bronx VA Medical Center (VAMC) modernized its energy management control system in fiscal year 2008, replacing "back-end" supervisory network controllers with modern open standard systems. New server software, which runs on existing server hardware, allows any workstation in the facility access to the operator interface, and is connected by the existing building Ethernet local area network. This decentralized user control provides the ability to troubleshoot problems anywhere in the facility. Using the Ethernet network makes the overall system extremely scalable and resistant to obsolescence. With a total project cost of approximately $129,000, the project paid for itself in the the last month of fiscal year 2008 alone, with a reduction of 9.6 billion Btu and $187,000 in energy cost savings. During the first eight months of installation, the project reduced natural gas and fuel oil consumption at the facility by 62 billion Btu–a 29% decrease from the same month during the prior year–for cost savings of more than $870,000.
Energy Efficiency/Energy Program Management Awards to Individuals
Daniel Wood
Department of the Army
Fort Eustis Department of Public Works
Fort Eustis, Virginia
Daniel Wood is responsible for implementing the Lean Six Sigma Reduce Energy Cost project at Fort Eustis to educate the population on the importance of saving energy via Web site and mass notification to all base activities during peak electrical demand days. Employees received tips to turn off unused lights, keep shades closed, run appliances with high energy use in the early morning or late evening, unplug unused equipment, set building temperatures to 85 degrees in the summer when unoccupied, and others. Mr. Wood also negotiated a change in the base electrical rate schedule from the power company. Using eight years of central heating plant fuel consumption data, Mr. Wood implemented a fuel switching/selection program for Fort Eustis' central heating plants, selecting between fuel oil and natural gas to run steam generation plants based on the more favorable fuel price each month. Together, these activities resulted in energy savings of approximately 1.3 billion Btu and $2.4 million in utility cost avoidance.
Donald Thompson
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Stennis Space Center, Mississippi
Stennis Space Center (SSC) utilizes an energy management control system (EMCS) to monitor and control HVAC systems. In fiscal year 2008, Donald Thompson spearheaded an effort to systematically evaluate the operating conditions at several high energy intensity buildings. Working with EMCS personnel, Mr. Thompson verified that HVAC equipment schedules matched occupancy schedules and identified equipment that was not operating properly. He also developed and implemented reset strategies for supply air temperature, supply air static pressure, heating and chilled water temperatures, and a sequence of operations that minimized or eliminated simultaneous heating and cooling. These efforts were critical to the success of SSC's energy management program, achieving energy savings of almost 5 billion Btu–or 48%–in the second half of fiscal year 2008 from the previous fiscal year. This equates to cost savings of almost $70,000 at no additional cost to SSC.
Exceptional Service Awards
Don Juhasz
Department of the Army
Office of the Assistant Chief for Installation Management
Arlington, Virginia
Over the last 18 years Don Juhasz used strong leadership skills and extensive expertise to reshaped the Army's Energy and Water program into a unified and highly coordinated campaign. As Chief of the Army's Energy and Utilities Programs, Mr. Juhasz directed accountability changes in the Army's Energy Conservation Investment Program and Energy Savings Performance Contracting Program to achieve $672 million in investment that will return $1.8 billion over the next 20 years. Mr. Juhasz also launched the Net Zero Installation Initiative and coordinated a multi-agency and private sector team to plan a 500 megawatt (MW) solar plant, a 30 MW geothermal plant, and an alternative fuel contract that will result in cost avoidance of more than $700 million over the next 30 years. He recently improved the Army's Awards Program, including the provision of cash rewards for Army accomplishments that resulted in $30 million in cost avoidance in fiscal year 2008. The climax of his accomplishments is the development of the first comprehensive Energy and Water Campaign Plan within the Federal sector, which defines actions, approaches, tools, technologies, and projects that will ensure the Army successfully achieves its long-range energy and water management goals.
Chris Drury
Department of the Navy
Naval Facilities Engineering Command Northwest
Silverdale, Washington
Chris Drury is the Navy Facilities Engineering Command Program Manager for energy efficiency and consumption reduction at Navy sites in the Northwest. Since he assumed the role in 2006, Navy's Northwest Region has consistently exceeded its energy goals. All Northwest sites met or exceeded the interim energy reduction goal of 9% in fiscal year 2008, with several sites reducing consumption by 12% to 16% below the fiscal year 2003 baseline. Under his leadership, the Region has implemented $22.9 million in large and small-scale energy projects that save 315 billion Btu and almost $3.1 million in energy costs annually. Mr. Drury does an outstanding job of researching, analyzing, and developing new technologies that show potential in the local climate, such as two large geothermal projects, photovoltaic and wind power projects, and the Region's first solar wall. Mr. Drury works hard to institutionalize energy efficiency, ensuring a team effort that reaches into all departments at all levels at all sites. He also facilitates an extensive outreach program that mobilizes base personnel to monitor their own energy use, and includes world-wide participation in Navy awareness events, frequent dissemination of energy awareness messages and energy tips, and continuous training and education.