CAIRS Direct Data Entry (CDDE) Online Training Package

This self-paced tutorial is designed to instruct users on how to utilize CDDE features to compile and submit CAIRS reports (Form 5484.3 & DOE 5484.4).

Office of Environment, Health, Safety & Security

August 23, 2018
minute read time

August 2018

CAIRS Direct Data Entry (CDDE) Online Training Package

This self-paced tutorial is designed to instruct users on how to utilize CDDE features to compile and submit CAIRS reports (DOE Form 5484.3 and DOE Form 5484.4). Step-by-step instructions are provided for entering accident and exposure information through a graphical-user-interface. The on-line training consists of the following:

Step-by-Step Directions to Add the Sample Case - an example of an accident form that was completed on-line, which includes step-by-step instructions for using CDDE features.

Training Scenarios - several examples of information that would be collected to complete CAIRS reports. These test cases were developed specifically for completion as part of the on-line training. (NOTE: The required sample test cases must be entered into the training database by each individual who would like to begin using CAIRS DDE to submit quarterly reports for their organization.)

To begin using CDDE, you will need access to the CDDE training database. Access to the training database can be obtained by contacting the AU User Support at (800) 473-4375. If you are a registered CAIRS user, you should request access to the CDDE training database. If you are not a registered CAIRS user, the registration form is available on-line or a copy can be obtained by contacting the AU User Support staff.